Latest Episodes

NIKIE PIPER: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life — Journal Expert Shares Secrets of Gratitude
Nikie Piper has first-hand experience at creating her life with her thoughts and the power of intention. Rising from the depths of depression, twice being made redundant from a job she loved and separating from her husband of 24 years. It took all her positive thinking, mental fitness, and positive action to climb out of […]

JENNIFER BLAIR: Excavive™ Coach Featured in Upcoming ‘Women Who BossUp’ Book
From embracing every moment of motherhood and community involvement to surviving a heartbreaking divorce and reinventing herself with a career she loves today, Jennifer Blair knows how frightening and thrilling change can be. So, in 2003, she founded Excavive™ Coaching & Consulting in Louisville, Kentucky as a way to empower people to pursue their passions, […]

LaWANNA BRADFORD – Strategic Planning for Your Success Featured in Expert Profiles
LaWanna Bradford is a serial entrepreneur and global leader in the strategic planning and performance management arena. She is a thought leader and business management consultant who applies strategic thinking and business management concepts to maximize efficiency and effectiveness and identify both business and life opportunities for improvement and growth. She is the COO of […]

JODI VETTERL: How to Grow Passive Income with Beyond the Banks Success Strategies in Real Estate Author
Jodi Vetterl is the author of the book, Beyond the Bank, Success Strategies in Real Estate as a Private Lender. She has a 20-year career in high-tech software sales, and has won multiple sales achievement awards; closed 7- digit deals and enjoyed several President’s Club trips around the world. Desiring a career outside of Corporate […]

BRIGITTE KEANE: The Laughter Liberator, Pioneering the Laughter Lifestyle
Brigitte Keane is an internationally renowned healer, speaker, bestselling international author, theologian, educator, consultant, and the creative visionary behind The Laughter Liberator, Pioneering the Laughter Lifestyle. She is a creative and inspiring joy partner who provides her clients with creative and nurturing solutions that enable them to reconnect with themselves to feel joy-full and happier, […]

JULIE STEELMAN: How To Become a Richly Abundant Woman
Julie Steelman shares her journey and can is a certified Feminine Power Coach, Keynote speaker, podcaster, with a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. She had a 25-year career in global, iconic corporate brand sales. I authored a highly-praised book for female entrepreneurs, The Effortless Yes, and am the creator of the very successful programs, Change […]

GAYLE EDWARDS — UnCensored Straight Talk about Communications Today; New Book is Law of Brand Attraction
Gayle Edwards is an International, award-winning Global Personal Brand & Impact Strategist, Best Selling Author and Speaker who works with Entrepreneurial Disruptors to help them build their identity and authority within their marketplace! As the CEO of Brand You Consultancy Ltd, Gayle uses her 30 plus years’ experience in Marketing, Branding, Communications, Training & […]

LOUBNA ZARROU Shares Law of Brand Attraction Secrets From New Book
Loubna Zarrou is an international bestselling author, professional speaker, and multi-award-winning Strategic Dynamo who is globally recognized for her extraordinary skill of being able to mentor Entrepreneurs to gain clarity, focus, and momentum with lightning speed. Before starting her business and becoming the CEO of The Exponential Hero, Loubna spent over 18 years managing projects […]

DONNA SINGER: Jazz Star Featured in Expert Profiles Volume 11 — New CD Released Available Now
Donna Singer has just returned from Paris and singing at Carnegie Hall. Her European tour to Switzerland and in Italy was a huge success. Her tour finale took place in New York City with a performance at the Metropolitan Opera Guild Recital Hall in Lincoln Center, and Central Park’s Naumburg Bandshell. Donna is a graduate […]

ROMA BAJAJ KOHLI Founder of ‘The Awakened Mind Method’ Featured in ‘Women Who BossUp’ Book
Roma Bajaj Kohli, founder ‘The Awakened Mind Method’ was interviewed on Women Innovators Radio with Host Tami Patzer about her participation in “Women Who BossUp” from Women With Vision International, created by Tam Luc. Roma Bajaj Kohli is a life coach, a host, a motivational speaker, and a leader of a women’s empowerment organization. Her […]

KIMBERLEY LOSKA Empowers Others to Look Up, Reach Out, and Step Forward
Native to California, Kimberley Loska has motivated audiences, trained leaders, led workshops, and retreats for over 20 years. Kimberley instructs the audience that there is purpose in the pain of life. She is a Keynote Speaker, Certified Life Coach, Speaker’s Trainer, and serves both men and women through her various coaching programs. Kimberley’s goal is […]

KARISSA WILLIAMS: Bossbabe at 365 Daily Hustle Motviates For Creating Your Best Life
Karissa Williams was interviewed on Women Innovators Radio with Host Tami Patzer about her participation in “Women Who BossUp” from Women With Vision International, created by Tam Luc. Karissa Williams is a health and wellness expert, certified life, health, and mindset coach, trainer, motivational speaker, ultimate hustler, and the creator and Bossbabe of 365DailyHustle. Her […]

KAREN MEADE: Get Organized with Simple Systems and BossUp
Karen Meade was interviewed on Women Innovators Radio with Host Tami Patzer about her participation in “Women Who BossUp” from Women With Vision International, created by Tam Luc. Having worked with hundreds of clients, and with her continued training and research, Karen Meade has a realistic grasp on why people can’t always move forward in […]

VICTORIA PLENKENPOL on Mission to Help Women Own Their Lives Without Boundaries
Victoria Plekenpol began her international travels in 1994 when she and her husband set off for Hong Kong from her home in California. Over the past 26 years, she has lived in Hong Kong, Singapore, New Jersey, The Netherlands, Edinburgh, Scotland, Shanghai, and now Shenzhen, China. She is married to David and has two biological […]

LAUREN D’ANGELO of LolaYoga is Mindful with Podcasts and Online Classes During Covid-19
Lauren D’Angelo has been active her entire life. Some of her earliest memories are playing outdoors, enjoying nature, and fresh air. In high school, Lauren was an athlete and it was in college when she discovered her love for running. Yoga came later on in her life. While working in Corporate America, and going to […]

CLARA CAPANO of Clara-ty Champions the Art of Saying No
Clara Capano is the owner of Capano Consulting and has spent over 15 years supporting Working Women and Mompreneurs to grow their business and maintain harmony in their life. She is the author of Find Your Focus: 52 Weeks of Clara-ty, and international trainer and business coach with Ninja Selling Systems. Visit her website at […]

REGENA ROSA-CELESTE OZERYANSKY is The Inner Peace revolutionist
Regena Rosa-Celeste Ozeryansky Regena Rosa-Celeste Ozeryansky announced the launch of her new brand – The Inner Peace Revolutionist. Regena Rosa-Celeste Ozeryansky’s new brand, Inner Peace Revolutionist, is about changing the way people think about experience Inner Peace. Regena explained, “All of us at some point have felt down and in the dumps. Whether it’s unfulfilled […]

YAMILCA RODRIGUEZ of The Archetype Method Featured in Forthcoming Boss Up With Women Who Have Leveled Up
Yamilca Rodriguez is an artist, entrepreneur, and activist, who was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky. She holds a degree in Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Yamilca has collaborated with some of the best graphic and advertising agencies across the nation to design […]

Jasmine Kratz is a mentor for entrepreneurs, small business owners, coaches, and Affiliate and Network Marketers teaching her clients how to create their online empires. Her passion for supporting people and seeing them succeed is what gets her out of bed every day. Her jam is helping you get sexy systems and tailored tools in […]

Known as the Wealthy Life Mentor, Emerald GreenForest is an internationally known speaker, transformation artist, Be The Change “Movement To Watch” & Quilly Award Winner, and one of America’s Premier Experts. Executive Producer of Apple Top 200 Ranked Men On Purpose Podcast & Wickedly Smart Women Podcast, she is hired to consult with high achieving […]

KIMBERLY WEITKAMP: The Audience Converter Challenge and New Podcast Launches
Kimberly Weitkamp is a successful marketing strategist, podcaster and conversion copywriter. Working with her clients, she noticed people struggled to create and understand the “big picture” of their marketing. She developed the Audience Conversion Method to help entrepreneurs draw in the right people with the right message at the right time. She combines the principles […]

BONNIE DIAZ: Ballroomology Tops Amazon Charts at No. 1; Ballroom Barks Charity Saves Dogs
Bonnie Diaz – entrepreneur and CEO of BallroomBarks! – is a former world Mambo champion having the honor of being the first world champion for the United States. After retiring from the competitive and performance world, she continued teaching, judging, and coaching world-wide – as well as enjoying a long career as a Master Pilates,Yoga, […]

SUZY PRUDDEN: New York Times Best-selling Author Shares Insight into Book Publishing Today
“If Suzy is talking about it today, you can be sure the rest of the country will be talking about it tomorrow” THE NEW YORK TIMES Prize Winning International Speaker, Workshop and Seminar Leader, New York Times Best Selling Author (from before the internet) Master Hypnotherapist, Fitness Expert, Body/Mind Pioneer, Success Coach, TV host and […]

AMY HUENTELMAN: The Happiness Generator Shares the 8-Minute Energy Cleanse
Amy Huentelman is the creator of Live Alive™ and Live Alive Healing™. She is also the creator and host of the invigorating online “Soul Awakening Party”. Through years of research and success with her clients, Amy has developed her own unique and very effective approach to mind body coaching and healing. Her advanced technique combines guided meditation, powerful connected breathing, imaginating, […]

JODI HINKLE: HerQuest Creating Sister Circles for Business Success
Jodi Hinkle, Founder and CEO of HerQuest, is a seasoned Business Development Strategist who has finely tuned her ability to assess, develop and design collaborative business solutions. With 20+ years in corporate America, Jodi has transitioned her leadership to fostering collective alliances among women entrepreneurs. Eager to blend customer engagement strategies among aligned businesses, Jodi […]

SONYA NAGY: Do You Speak the Language of Your Soul?
Sonya Nagy: Are You Speaking the Same Language as Your Soul? What if You’re Not!? So what do most people do when the don’t know their Soul Language? They chase their dreams. They strategize day and nights. They struggle constantly. They throw money at things trying to make their outside world better… without changing their […]

INTHIRANI ARUL: Self Esteem Survival Guide
Inthirani Arul, the founder of Soul Path, Inc., is an author and award-winning Dale Carnegie Graduate. Through struggle, numerous losses, and experiences, she pursued a journey to empower herself through self-discovery. Her mission is to bring compassion and quality care into the lives of those she serves. Inthirani believes that every person matters and when […]

DEZI KOSTER: Why Fitness Is All It’s Cracked Up To Be
Dezi Koster on fitness https://www.dezikoster.com/is-fitness-all-its-cracked-up-to-be/ Is Fitness All It’s Cracked Up To Be? Being physically fit and healthy is a good thing right? Well it certainly is according to the CDC, NIH, the World Health Organization, Harvard publications, medical reports and the media. But what is good health, what actually determines good health and fitness […]

KRISTA CALLAS: Journaling and Writing for Spiritual and Personal Growth
Krista Callas is a gifted healer who connects people more deeply to the Life Force inherent in Nature. This powerful Life Force Energy, this Intelligent Grace, uplifts and enhances health and well-being at every level, and can improve sleep, detoxify existing physical and emotional issues, strengthen immunity, clarify relationships, and increase overall vitality. In this […]

DEZI KOSTER: How to Get Your Sexy Back
Dezi Koster shares in-depth information about how to get your “sexy” back in this eye-opening interview. Life Force Energy and the Trivedi Effect have been shown to deepen and enhance relationships as well as improve the overall quality of life, health & wellness, anti-aging, reduce inflammation & stress, boost immunity and improve hormonal balance and […]

AILEEN C LEE: Food For the Future
Aileen developed a distinct fascination and keen interest in spirituality in the 1990s while she was attending various spiritual group meetings, courses and traveling to John of God in Brazil to witness his healing miracles. Taking a step further, she augmented those abilities by studying the healing modality Reiki to earn her first and second-degree […]

DEZI KOSTER: Are Your the Bottleneck in Your Success? How to Overcome Overwhelm in Business and Daily Life
Dezi Koster is a Trivedi Healer who is committed to applying her gift of harnessing, transmitting and infusing “Life Force Energy” to living organisms and non-living materials anywhere in the world through her thought intention, to transform and optimize the potential of their inherent nature. Website: http://www.dezikoster.com/how-to-deal-with-overwhelm/ or http://www.dezikoster.com/how-to-deal-with-overwhelm-part-2/ This information is not intended to […]

KATHRYN SWEAS: Feel Better at Any Age; Mind, Body, Spirit Connections for Health
Kathryn Sweas is a natural-born healer with the gift of healing that provides an opportunity for someone or something, to connect with the Divine of their understanding to harness Life Force more readily, efficiently and dynamically. Her gifts have been validated via preclinical scientific research using both cell-based and mouse models to suggest benefits for […]

JOY ANGEVIN BALMER: Stressed Out? Check Your Connection to the Divine
Joy Angevin Balmer is a LifeForce Energy Healer validated by science. She has been gifted with the ability to harness LifeForce Energy and transmit it anywhere on this planet. Joy has the ability to help individuals in various areas such as; achieving better quality sleep, becoming more self-confident, experiencing more profound inner peace, increasing energy […]

PATRICIA ROWE: Daily Success Word of the Day is Character
Patricia Rowe has extensive background in the Energy Healing field. She has always been interested in searching truth and understanding the hidden side of things. We know that we are made up of energy. That energy interpenetrates and extends beyond our bodies. If you lose your arm you are still there. If you lose your […]

DORIS VILK: Coming Soon: Love Avenged Follows Love Arrested and Love Attempted
Doris Vilk invites you on a journey into the world of actress and model Susan Chatham. Ms. Vilk’s unique writing style captivates and thrusts you into an erotic page-turner. Your emotions will be held hostage – you won’t be able to put this explicit page-turner down. Romantic and sweet, at times shocking and horrific. Its […]

LINDA ALLRED: The Hottest Ticket in Town – Powerful Belief Changes Can Improve Your Entire Life
Linda Allred is known as the Hottest Ticket In Town. She is an expert in two of the most powerful belief-change modalities in the world, Self-Hypnosis and the energy work of Kinesiology. In addition, she is the co-author of the best-selling book, Answering The Call, published by Celebrity Press. The book became an instant #1 […]

CLAUDIA MICHALIK: Feel Perfect Health
Claudia Michalik is the founder of Feel Perfect Health. My journey as a healer takes me from one end of the spectrum of allopathic medicine, logic, and skepticism to alternative, holistic and spiritual solutions. I love to teach and guide people on how to disentangle their lives and learn how to optimize and live at […]

ANNE MARGOLIS: Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program
Anne Margolis shares the Trauma Release Formula: The Revolutionary Step by Step Program for Eliminating Effects of Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Emotional Pain and Crippling Inner Stress, to Living in Joy without Drugs or Therapy If you’ve experienced intense stress, emotional pain or any type of trauma, this program is a must – it represents true […]

GINA GARDINER: International Best Selling Author Hosts Genuinely You TV Show and Podcast
Gina Gardiner is currently in production at the Expert TV Network for a new 13-part TV series “Genuinely You.” “We are in the middle of a paradigm shift in consciousness,” says Gardiner. “It is fundamental, and it runs deep. It has the power to change the way we think, to shift our perception of ourselves, […]

FRANCESCA BURACK: Stand in Your Authentic Power – Be Fearless and Female
Francesca Burack is an international speaker and coach who helps professional women stand in their authentic power and advance their leadership from conference room to boardroom. As an advocate for fearless female talent, Francesca also helps corporations develop top tier teams and a robust pipeline of management talent and contributors. She has received awards from […]

DEBRA GRAUGNARD: Joyfully Living Wellness
Debra Graugnard CEO of JoyfullyLiving For Debra, it happened during a week-long Computer Networking course in 1993. This transcendent experience revealed that her 6-year-long healing journey with ulcerative colitis (which taught her practical skills for cleansing and healing the body) was resolved through love. Finding and studying with her spiritual teacher for the next 20 […]

AUDRYE S. ARBE: RAISING RACE CONSCIOUSNESS: Healing Racism, Sexism and Other Isms (RRC)
Audrye S. Arbe. Audrye is a clairvoyant wellness consultant, mystic intuitive artist, healer, Mom, and Grammy. She counsels thousands of people worldwide born to make a difference. Audrye knows it all starts at home. This, plus source impulse, Audrye to write The Mother ‘s Manual, a spiritual and practical guide to child rearing and motherhood, […]

SARAH MATTHAEI: The Goddess Guide to Healthy Eating is No. 1 International Best Seller and Hot New Release
Sarah Matthaei is an international best-selling author, certified public speaker, and transformational life coach. She helps women to become healthy and wealthy. She’s the founder of the Soul Changer. She wrote the book THE GODDESS GUIDE TO HEALTHY EATING, a book concentrating on quick tips to lose weight and keep healthy no matter where you […]

DR. LINDA ABUJABER-AMMARI: ‘SuperDad Formula- Dr. Linda’s Guide to Unleashing Your Parenting Superpowers 0-3 Months’
Dr. Linda Abujaber-Ammari is a Holistic/Integrative Pediatrician and is the CEO of Global Parenting Initiatives and AskDrLinda.com a company dedicated to supporting parents in raising babies and children who thrive physically. Emotionally, mentally and Spiritually as they grow and thrive themselves. She has been publishing a weekly blog on raising healthy babies and families based […]

HEATHER HANSON: When in Pain — Dance
Heather Hanson is a life-long learner, educator, swing dancer and international travel enthusiast. She is devoted to her family, friends, and helping improve the community around her. She has 16 years of experience in education; both as English as a second language teacher, as well school administration. She has a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Communications […]

BATISTA GREMAUD: Feminine Body Design for Women Over 40
Batista Gremaud is the co-founder of the International Institute of Body Design, helping busy women over 40, look and feel 15 years younger, by eliminating pain with Dr. Fitness USA’s proprietary system Batista’s expertise in strength training includes structural realignment of the spine and injury prevention. Batista is a No1 Best Selling author of Feminine […]

MARY PALMER: Your Face is Your Calling Card
Mary Palmer was recently awarded the Miss Go-Give Award which is the highest Mary Kay Cosmetics honor celebrating integrity, passion, and bigheartedness. Mary has traveled the globe and seen beauty in many forms. Mary believes that a woman’s face is her calling card and her mission is to showcase the beauty of every woman she […]

BETSY ROSAM: ‘Making More Than Lemonade Out of Lemons’ Author Shares Info to Create a Better Life
Betsy Rosam is a speaker, author, teacher, and counselor whose professional experience includes over 30 years in education and training, with an emphasis in psychology, neuroscience, family and consumer sciences, and personal development. Her toolbox includes certifications in Emotional Freedom Technique, PSYCH-K©, B.S. Vocational Home Economics Education, M.S. Mental Health Counseling, and Ministerial License through […]

MARTY WARD: Eliminate Bullying TAG program headed to Africa
Using her experience as a teacher, school-based social worker, and now as a transformation strategist for entrepreneurs, Marty L Ward, Founder of the 501c3 Confidence Eliminates Bullying, Inc. uses game-changing strategies to eliminate the impact of bullying on our children. Realizing that we can’t stop the bully from saying or doing whatever they want, Marty […]

KATE THERIOT: Stop Compromising and Live a Full Life! Helping Women Get Out of the Noise of Life
Kate Theriot helps women get rid of the noise in their life, resulting in a balanced life of peace and real joy. She also helps businesses develop a culture of well-being through employee education and training. Kate is a board-certified coach, certified spiritual director, and an HR professional with over 30 years in the industry. […]

MARTHA MELENDEZ: Visualization and Journaling Changes Your Life
Martha Melendez is a motivational speaker who lights up the stage from the minute she grabs the mic. With her vibrant personality, it should come as no surprise that Martha enjoys making the most out of every single moment. She’s passionate about teaching and helping others reach their dreams and goals. Learn More: MarthaMelendez.com Martha@TropicCoast.com […]

MARYON STEWART: Reinvention in Midlife
Maryon Stewart is a renowned and multi award winning expert in PMS & Menopause. She is a pioneer in the field of non-drug medicine, on a mission to enhance and make a difference to the lives of others. Despite there being a wealth of information online, so many stories are conflicting; some even with vested […]

JUDY MICALE: Bridging the Generation Gap
Communicating your ideas, thoughts and providing clear direction to your fellow workers is crucial for a successful company. Learn the interesting quirks of each generation and ways to “Bridge the Gap”. Judy loves working with individuals who are motivated, someone who is ready to look at the next phase in their life, individuals who are […]

MERY DOMINGUEZ: CEO And Founder of ParenTeen Moments with Mery
Mery helps families and businesses connect and get what they want with ease and confidence. She is the CEO of ParenTeen Moments and works with educators and families to improve relationships and develop partnerships that will support raising successful and self-empowered adults. Mery’s ultimate purpose is to relieve people from the fear of failure, self-doubt […]

GAIL DIXON: Name It, Frame It, Claim It! – How The Masterful Message Makes Money
Eavesdrop on this conversation and learn how to create your marketing message. In this episode, Tamara Patzer and Gail Dixon discuss how to formulate your million dollar marketing message. Gail Dixon is the Word Wizard. She works with individuals and organizations with life-changing missions to create messages that Command Attention, Create Connection and Ignite Impact. […]

DORIS VILK: Dentist Turned Romance Author Wins Hearts of Readers with the Chatham Series
Hot off the presses is Book 2: Love Attempted! Listen to Doris Vilk as she tells how she went from dentist to one of the hottest romance writers today! Author Doris Vilk, Dr. Dora Vilk-Shapiro grew up in Havana, Cuba and has lived in Nassau, Bahamas; Milan, Italy; Madrid, Spain; New York, New Jersey and […]

TAMBRA LANHAM: Lose Weight, Live More
Health Coach Tambra Lanham says, “My mission is to help thousands of women END the DIET and weight loss struggle so they can live their lives fully. No more hiding out or holding back because of their weight! And if they are still getting out there, good for them. I want to help them do […]

Jenny Eden Berk: The Body Image Blueprint is No. 1 Amazon Best Seller
Jenny Eden Berk is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Body image mentor, International Speaker and International Best Selling Author of the new release, The Body Image Blueprint. She is the founder of Jenny Eden Coaching, a practice devoted to helping women, men and teens heal their relationship with food and their bodies. She specializes in […]

Melissa Sarazin: How Saying Yes to Depression Leads Us into Healing
Multi-Dimensional Intuitive Healer and Energy Practitioner Melissa Sarazin is an admired Personal Transformation Catalyst and Spiritual Business Mentor. She is a self-published author of “How Saying Yes to Depression Leads Us into Healing – A Journey Back to Self and a Life Abundant.” It is her honest and open account of how depression effected her […]

Victoria Lichtman: Human Potential and The Journey to Healing
Victoria Lichtman, the founder of Nightly Healing, has been a force in the human potential movement and healing arts for more than 30 years, with a focus on healing, self-awareness and living life more vibrantly. Nightly Healing Her passion for empowering people to choose awareness and purpose, to develop their own spiritual understanding and to […]

Pat Evans: Home Staging Helps Homes Show Better and Sell Faster
Pat is a certified home stager based in Richmond, Virginia. She is the owner of Pat’s World Staging and Redesign where she specializes in home staging and interior decorating. She works with home seller, real estate agents and investors to get their home listing or investment property sold in a quick fashion by making sure […]

Tracey Battle: Find Your Voice and Find You!
Tracey Battle graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories; everything from Ayurveda, gluten-free, and Paleo, to raw, vegan, and macrobiotics, and everything in between. My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and prevention. Drawing on […]

Jo Ellen Newman: Start with a Question: What If – Dream Big and Change Your Life
Jo Ellen Newman, MBA, is a Quantum Success Life Business Coach, Certified Speaker and a Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities. After working many years in nursing, moving into the business side of healthcare and ultimately the corporate world, I knew I now wanted to offer coaching services that helped solve our cursed self-doubts, plaguing states of lack of confidence and […]

Christine Cipriano: Fit for the Tee – Golf is the Ultimate Business Tool
Christine Cipriano is a USGTF Golf Teaching Professional. For many years, women golfers were heard saying, “The hardest lesson was not to play golf, but to co-exist with men on the golf course”. This certainly does not apply to Christine. In fact, she has been a pioneer for women since her early teens. She dared […]

Licia Berry: I Am Her Daughter National Book Tour in 2017
Licia Berry, best-selling author of “I AM HER DAUGHTER” starts national book tour in May 2017. Best Selling Author, artist, speaker, mentor and women’s advocate, Licia (pronounced LEE-SHA) Berry is known worldwide as The Woman’s Guide to the Frontier Inside™. Licia is an agent of change through her writing, art, speaking, and facilitation. She has […]

Marcella Scherer: Styled to Sell – Look Like a Million to Make a Million
Marcella Scherer (pronounced SHARE- ER) is an expert in her industry with more than 30 years’ experience transforming the lives of others from head to toe and inside and out. As a certified image consultant, she empowers women to unveil their true and authentic self, giving them the confidence to command the attention they deserve […]

Nalani Lenz Rood: Transformation for Health and Life: Free Yourself from Diets Forever
Nalani Lenz Rood has been in the health industry for more than 10 years and busy mom of 5. She is a true woman innovator. Nalani knows firsthand what it’s like to struggle with weight issues. Her highest weight was 411 pounds. For 20 years, she played the yo-yo dieting game only to fail time […]

Nanette Saylor: Clearing the Path in the The Wise Well Woman’s Way
Nanette Saylor is a Creativity Coach + Champion, known as a Possibility Partner for visionary women seeking serenity who are consciously creating their lives and transforming the lives of those they serve. She is the creator of the 12 Baby Steps Foundation Formula, the author of The Art of Journaling to Grow Your Business and […]

Dr. Kelly Barbour-Conerty: The Grieving Parents Club is No. 1 Amazon Best Seller
Dr. Kelly Barbour-Conerty is a mother, teacher, marathoner, and Amazon #1 bestselling author of “The Grieving Parents Club: How to Survive, Cope, and Heal After the Death of a Child,” a book dedicated to her beautiful daughter, Lexi, who died more than 10 years ago in a car crash. Since the day Kelly was painfully […]

Dorothy Kuhn: The Unspoken Keys to Becoming the Ulimate Leader
Dorothy Kuhn grew up a mystical Christian kid, running around the woods with her little brothers and the neighbor kids. She was so fascinated with how cool God made the world, she had to learn all about it, so she studied Science. She graduated in Physics and Math, and won her first professional position by […]

SHIRLEY GROSOR: The Soul Whisperer
Shirley Grosor: A Soul Whisperer is someone uniquely gifted with the ability to listen to the deepest whisperings and longings of the human soul. Someone who partners with those whisperings and longings to assist a person in creating, manifesting and living a joyful, successful and deeply meaningful, empowered, purposeful life. I work with women who […]

Karen Roumay: It’s A Single’s Thing
Karen Roumay has had the spirit and skills of entrepreneurship in her blood since she took over the family art business in her early 20s. As any entrepreneur knows, the ability to roll with the punches and re-invent yourself and your business is a required skill for thriving, and Karen is a master of re-invention. […]

Doria Musaga: Helping Create a Better Care Environment for Care Givers
Doria Musaga is the president of Optimum Health Club. She is a registered nurse who has devoted her life to helping others. https://www.facebook.com/doriamusaga Optimum Health Club

Debra Crosby: Present to Prosper with T.E.D. Talks and Beyond
Debra Crosby turns entrepreneurs into sought-after speakers, thought leaders and luminaries who own the stage by teaching them how to communicate in a clear, concise, confident and compelling manner. She’s passionate about working with speakers who want to deliver messages, solutions and ideas that have the potential to unite us as one global tribe. As […]

Sue Ballmann: Beyond the Business of the American Dream
Sue Ballmann has been working with both individuals and small businesses as a tax accountant for more than 30 years. Her experience includes working with everyone from single moms receiving an earned income credit to multimillionaires. She has a master’s of science degree in taxation and over the year, she has been a CPA real […]

Sheila Skolnick: Mastering the Art of Business-Look to the Future with Clear Vision
Sheila Skolnick’s story is a true rags to riches story. Sheila created and started her own international hotel supply company with no money, no experience, no mentors and no connections. Years later, Sheila sold her business to a six billion dollar company, which is the hotel supply division of Enterprise Rent-A-Car. You want to listen […]

Ilene Gottlieb: The Heart Healer
Ilene Gottlieb, is affectionately known as “The Heart Healer”. She’s a speaker, author, radio show host, facilitator of healing and your guide to conscious heart connection. Her passion is to guide and support others by remembering that we are all here in these human bodies for one soul purpose, to learn to be consciously connected […]

Shielvonda Haith: Political Consultant Inspires and Ignites Results
Shielvonda Haith is a political consultant who uses her skills to ignite ideas and inspire results. She supports those seeking to be more politically engaged by outlining clear political goals and creating a roadmap to reach them. She also has a special talent for rapidly preparing candidates and their families for life in the public […]

Dr. Linda Abujaber-Ammari: Holistic Wellness, Healing and Wholeness for Families
Dr. Linda Abujaber-Ammari has been practicing medicine for 31 years and is on a mission to make holistic wellness readily available to families. She has been a physician for 31 years and is Board Certified in General Pediatrics, Pediatric Infectious Diseases and in Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She has also trained in Acupuncture, Pediatric Hypnosis, Reiki, […]

Kathy Pendelton: Best-Selling Authors Helps You Get the Care Your Deserve
Kathy Pendleton is a best-selling author and she helps families of medical patients to manage their medical care so that they can have confidence and peace of mind about the medical decisions they’ve made for their families. She is the founder of Get The Care You Deserve and the creator of education programs to teach […]

Becky Norwood: Best Selling Author of The Woman I Love Coaches with the Healing Power of Story
Becky Norwood is an International Bestselling Author, Speaker and Coach. She also assists her clients to publish their books. Her own book “The Woman I Love: Surviving, Healing andThriving after a childhood of Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse”, has laid the ground work for her coaching programs and her upcoming book interview series, the first […]

Catherine M. Laub: Best Selling Author Shares Insight into Spiritual Destinations
Catherine M. Laub is an Author, Speaker, Psychic Medium,Radio Show Host; and a Spiritual Guide and Consultant; a Wife, Mother, and Grandmother. She is a 7-time bestselling Author and continues her writing in upcoming anthologies. These stories are about her healing and spiritual journeys. Catherine’s business is The Celestial Spoon, Inc. Her tag line is […]

Hindy Ziefman-Stegman: Best Selling Author Helps Women Reclaim Their Lives Now
Hindy Zeifman-Stegman was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She’s a mother and grandmother and she graduated from Seneca College with an Interior Decorating degree, followed by a comprehensive study of Feng Shui, Reiki, Dowsing, and many other energy modalities. Hindy is a truth seeker with an inner calling. She continuously studies religions and philosophy, […]

Dr. Joanny Liu: Best Selling Author Offers Solutions for Concussions
Dr. Joanny Liu, TCMD, has appeared a dozen times on TV on FOX, NBC, CTV and Global, from coast to coast within the US and Canada to teach positively and constructively about concussions. She has been quoted by various news outlets including FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, The Boston Globe and the Miami Herald about her […]

YVONNE HERBST: Best-Selling Author Marketer Helps Business Increase Sales and Profits
Yvonne Herbst helps small businesses increase sales and maximize profits with customized digital and social media lead generation and customer retention solutions. For a free case study detailing how her marketing team generated 170 high-value leads and $14,000 in additional annual revenue for a local yoga studio in less than two weeks, visit: http://herbstmarketing.com/yoga-studio-facebook-advertising-case-study/. Website: […]

Que Jackson: Behind Closed Doors Best-Selling Author Shares Insight into Creating a Happier Life
Que Jackson is known as “The $100,000 Housewife.” She is the Founder of Behind Closed Doors, LLC, a consulting agency for your home. This is not a reality show, but her reality. An expert in the functionality of the household, she helps women in the areas from which a home is built but can also […]

Angela Wilson Lee: Best Selling Author Shares Inspired Interior Design Visions
Angela Wilson Lee is the CEO and principal Interior Designer of Wilson Lee Interiors, as well as the buyer for Her Boutique. With more than 20 years of experience creating spaces and providing products that assure clarity, balance, and beauty, Angela approaches each design with a unique style, allowing for a design project to fit […]

Sharon Booker: Master Automation Maven – How to Automate Your Business To Maximize Your Life(TM)
Sharon Booker is the CEO of S.D. Booker International, LLC, and founder of Master Automation Maven(TM), a Marketing Automation Strategy and Implementation Firm. We offer a strategic blend of strategy, technical support and project management that accelerates the results of our clients. Our mission is to help you Automate Your Business To Maximize Your Life(TM). […]

Dr. Bernadette Anderson: Six ‘E’s, Eat, Exercise, Examine, Exhale, Enhance and Enjoy
Dr. Bernadette Anderson has devoted more than 20 years to developing, teaching and educating others on the principals of health and lifestyle transformation. She is recognized for her integrative and holistic approach to health that encourages patient participation by empowering them with essential strategies to establish and maintain their own personal wellness. Her own lifestyle […]

Heather Poduska Helps You Become the Brand Star You Are Meant to Be
Heather Poduska is a star maker who teaches ambitious entrepreneurs how to become powerful influencers and profitable speakers. With more than 25 years of professional performance experience on stage as an operatic soprano, as a national speaker and the host of her own popular television and podcast show, Thrive, Heather knows what it takes to deliver […]

Rolie LYBL Manne: Amazing Women Survivors of Emotional Abuse A.W.S.E.A
Rolie LYBL Manne is a specialist teacher and a wellness and resilience coach. She helps women 38-54 restore their emotional health and specializes in supporting women survivors of emotional abuse and trauma who have been suffering from years from stress, anxiety and depression, and who wish to heal in a natural way. She is the […]

Sarah Matthaei: Best Selling Author and Transformational Coach Shares Her Powerful Techniques
Sarah Matthaei is a Transformative Life Coach, Best Selling Author, and Speaker. As an Ordained Minister she has facilitated women’s circles nationally and internationally to solve human problems through love and empathy. She believes in the power of community and the power of transformation through a positive change in the world. This is the perfect […]

Cindy Arledge: Founder of Legacy Family Revolution™ Shares Insight into Estate Planning
Cindy Arledge, MBA is a #1 international best-selling author, founder of the Legacy Family Revolution™, and visionary leader of the Legacy Family Planning Association™. Traditional estate planning provides dismal results with an 85% failure rate because it relies on legal documents to protect financial assets. Failure is measured by the destruction of the family, loss […]

Jennifer Huber: Award-winning Solo Travel Girl Shares Tips to Travel Alone Not Lonely
Jennifer Huber is originally from Buffalo, New York. A hiking trail led Jennifer to a career path in tourism where she has worked for more than 20 years including 10 years with a park management company in Yellowstone, Death Valley, and Everglades National Park. Business and personal trips led her throughout the United States, along […]

Dawn C Meyer: Space Shuttle Engineer Is Inspiring Conscious Healing and Awareness
Dawn C. Meyer is an empowering, healing facilitator, an inspirational speaker, former Space Shuttle engineer, rocket scientist, bestselling author, Access Consciousness certified facilitator and practitioner, Reiki master, teacher, and transformational coach who touches lives using the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness, Reiki, massage, and so much more. Dawn is the owner of Purple Dawn Incorporated […]

Sherrie Clark Wilson: Faith On Fire Author and Dynamic Women Leader
Sherrie Wilson was the first female firefighter-paramedic in the Dallas Fire Rescue Department. Sherrie shares how to push through the pain of life, face darkness of negativity and win in the end. She is the author of Faith on Fire, and a dynamic woman leader in a man’s world. Sherrie is also a Health and […]

Lynne Sagen: The Tech Super Hero
Lynne Sagen is a speaker, coach, recovering engineer, and she’s been supporting women to live from their heart and own their passion for more than 20 years as a leader and mentor throughout her engineering career. Most recently, she is known for her good-natured, intuitive abilities to translate the complexities of technology into the core […]

Cherie Mathews: Heal in Comfrort
Cherie Mathews is a 16-year breast cancer survivor who turned a bad situation into doing good for others. Cherie is the Founder and CEO of healincomfort.com and Inventor of Heal in Comfort™ and The Recovery Shirt™. Cherie helps breast cancer patients heal in comfort and dignity and offers a solution for friends and loved ones […]

Ferlie Almonte – Global Resilience Leader
FERLIE ALMONTE, Global Resilience Leader When life knocked the wind out of her sails, pulled the rug from under her feet, and brought disappointments, pain and heartache, Ferlie Almonte often remembered what her wise Filipino mother used to say… “Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion.” For Ferlie Almonte, life’s curve balls came in the form of a stressful […]

Alicia Vaca: Best Selling Author and Creator of Kiss My Butter Gives Back
Alicia Vaca has had a varied and multi-faceted career. You name it, she’s probably done it! With a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, she’s been an Insurance Claims Adjuster and Marketing Director, Daycare Owner/Operator, Life Insurance and Securities Agent and a Licensed Realtor. An Entrepreneur at heart, she made her way out of […]

Win Kelly Charles: Best Selling Author Shares Message About Cerebral Palsy
Win Kelly Charles is a best-selling four time published Author and Motivational Speaker. She was born with Cerebral Palsy. On numerous occasions she has defied the odds of what others believe she should be able to accomplish with her condition. Her memoir I, Win is an amazing memoir of her life through the years living […]

Anna Vanlandingham: Best Selling Author Shares Pinterest Pro Game Changers
Anna Vanlandingham helps business owners, especially those in the entertainment industry, housing industry, and travel industry understand how to use Pinterest to drive business to their website. To Learn More Website: http://www.pinterestpro.com Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pinterestprov Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinterestprosolutions Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Pinterestbeginnings/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pinterestpro Twitter: https://twitter.com/PINTERESTPROANN Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AnnaVanlandinghamPINTERESTPRO

Kate Bourland: Best Selling Author of Marketing Understood Shares Secrets
Kate Bourland is a respected Business and Digital Marketing Consultant who helps professionals tell their story and create global businesses that fund their dreams. She has twenty plus years of experience. She’s helped grow both multi-million dollar businesses, and startups. Kate is the Founder of Start Small Grow Big Network, Marketing Understood, and Purpose After […]

Jennifer Clark: Best Selling Author Shares Secrets of Transformation for All
Jennifer Clark is a Psychological Health & Safety Advisor, Risk Manager, Assertiveness Coach, Life Strategist, Career Navigator, Creative Catalyst, Social Architect, TV Show Host, Book Author, Dream Enabler, Game Changer and Evolving Human! She is also the Founder of the Ottawa Soul Sista’s Networking Group “Helping you align & shine!” She is a dynamic professional […]

Dr. Amber Robins: Best Selling Author with ‘Write Prescription’
Amber Robins, MD is a Family Medicine Resident Physician and graduate of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Throughout her journey, one of Dr. Robins’ goals has been to continue motivating others to achieve their own personal successes. She is constantly reminded that dreams do come true with faith in God and […]

Marlene Stokes: Best Selling Author on Ladypreneurship and Transformation
Marlene Stokes is a Strategic Intervention Success Coach who provides guidance leading toward immense professional and business success for women. She is an expert in the domain of Human Potential and Peak Performance. Marlene helps individuals unlock their potential and improve their confidence by removing obstacles that restrict and limit them. She’s the creator of […]

Cindy Marvin: Best Selling Author Shares how to Repair your Parenting
Cindy Marvin helps parents avoid chaos, repair relationships and show how cooperation and peace can run the show in their family. As a parent you can learn the tactical techniques to remain calm, listen for clues and respond. You can learn how not to react to the buttons your kids are pushing, as well as […]

Shaun Cooke – From Fs to As in One Marking Period! Parents Can Help Their Kids Learn Better
Shaun Cooke is a former classroom educator, writer, and editor with degrees in journalism, education and historic preservation. She has 10+ years experience teaching reading, composition, literature and history. Shaun’s personal passion is to open up the world for students of all ages by filling their “cognitive baskets” through improved reading comprehension skills. Shaun is […]

Shequita Bogle – Social Media Explodes Your Business With Magic Engagement
Shequita Lee Bogle is a Travel Geek – Inspiring you to get UnStuck, Step Out The Box and Move Forward. Shequita is an Author, Speaker & Entrepreneur. She coaches Authors, Writers and Blogger on getting Social Media Savvy. To Learn More https://www.facebook.com/shequita.lee

Valerie Priester – The Business of Coaching (How to Turn Your Passion Into Cash)
Valerie Priester is a certified Business and Life Coach, motivational speaker and author. She provides business and personal development coaching to awaken the inner spirit and confidence of new coaches who desire to be heart-centered coaches. She helps new coaches build a solid foundation so they can create successful and profitable coaching businesses that they […]

Loretta James-Baker – Living ALIVE at 55 and beyond: Let’s Go Travel Together
Loretta James -Baker inspires, motivates, and mentors women who are retired, divorced, or living in an empty-nest, who want to live their best lives. Loretta helps women come together to experience travel adventures around the globe together. In this interview, she talks about the Happy List and how to prepare for your next travel adventure. […]

Que Jackson – 100K Housewife on Finance and Favor – 30 Days Challenge to Clean Up Your Relationship with Money and God
Que Jackson, known as the 100K Housewife, is a real estate investor, interior stylist, relationship coach and certified in financial services. She helps women sort through the internal clutter that has spilled over into their homes. Her mission is to help women rebuild their relationship with God, themselves and their finances. To Learn More Send […]

Lela Bryan – The Quit Queen Helps You Stop Smoking and Chewing with No Drugs
Lela Bryan, the Quit Queen, can help you STOP smoking and chewing with a proven system. If you have tried everything else, it’s time to talk to the Quit Queen. The program has a 90 percent success rate. Lela Bryan quit smoking June 4, 1978 and as a smoker she would have smoked in the shower […]

Fonda Clayton – Stop Giving Your Power Away and Have a Juicy LIfe
Fonda Clayton is #1 Amazon Best Selling Author of Stop Giving Your Power Away, creator of the Juicy Life Show podcast and coach for women. She teaches women who seem to have it all, but who feel empty, to trust and know their bodies and possess personal power. “Women compromise, instead of telling their truth. […]

CATHERINE LAUB: Author Shares Insight and Wisdom in New Book ‘365 Days of Grace’ Now Available
She an author in three books and a few more to come. “Chocolate & Diamonds for the Women’s Soul” has 110 co-authors where she wrote about her Healing Journey.” In “Journey to the Stage, Volume 2” with Women’s Prosperity Network her story is “My Journey to the Stage.” Catherine’s goal is to speak on stage, […]

Dr. JOANNY LIU – Author of ‘Heal Your Concussion: How to Quickly and Effectively Get Back in the Game’
Dr. Joanny Liu is an international leader in Chinese Sports Medicine & Chinese Sports Psychology. She has appeared in the USA and Canada on FOX, NBC, CTV, & Global TV & at venues including Brain Injury Canada. She is the founder of Extraordinary Sports Medicine and speaks every Thursday at 3:30 pm. Mountain Time on […]

KRISTINA JACOBS – Author/Editor and Publisher of 100+ Books Shares Writing and Publishing Tips
Kristina Jacobs is creator of The Next Level Publishing company and is the author/publisher of more than 100 books ranging from non-fiction to fantasy children’s books and poetry chapbooks. In this interview, Kristina Jacobs shares her creative ideas and offers some unique insight into how she help create and edit books for authors as well […]
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