Jo Ellen Newman, MBA, is a Quantum Success Life  Business Coach, Certified Speaker and a Certified Trainer of Infinite Possibilities. After working many years in nursing, moving into the business side of healthcare and ultimately the corporate world, I knew I now wanted to offer coaching services that helped solve our cursed self-doubts, plaguing states of lack of confidence and concerns with financial instability. 

I also coach youth from 9 – 14 years of age,  so they can lean into their fullest potential, relieve their stress, fight peer pressure and more.

I specialize in using left (analytical) and right (creative thinking) tools such as meditation processes and actions to quickly shift your beliefs and state of being. My approach solves self-doubt, lack of confidence and more while co-creating a clear and actionable path to your goal.   Between my Quantum Success coaching skills and the Infinite Possibilities training I can teach you how to live in a state of happiness, abundance and create your heart’s desire –  THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS! As Mike Dooley said, “Thriving is our default setting, not Surviving”  We ARE Creators!Clients experience breakthroughs after just a few minutes or even one session.  My goal is to give you new tools in your toolbox to cope and respond to life’s many challenges.  I offer one-on- one or group coaching; workshops or as an inspirational speaker to your organization.




Twitter: joellennewman@jenipcoachjo or


Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority.She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications:No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and GiversBook Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors,influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.

Tami Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority. She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications: No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and Givers Book Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors, influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.