Latest Episodes

105. Understanding Your Hustle: How Your Type is Contributing to Your Hustle
Today, we are going back into Part Two of my Healing the Hustle framework and my upcoming book. We are focusing on understanding our personality type and how this plays into our Hustle… or not. A lot of this episode is about separating nurture from nature. Nurture is this world we live in and the […]

104. Understanding Your Hustle: The Story of My Tattoo – Healing the Hustle
Welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast, I am Jessica Butts your host. We are diving into Part Two of my Healing the Hustle framework and my upcoming book. I’ve written about 70% of the book and today we are moving into “Understanding Your Hustle.” And today I’m going to read to you from […]

103. How We Got Here [Pt 3]: Our Need to Do is a Trauma Response – Healing the Hustle
Welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast, I am Jessica Butts your host. I’m back on Maui and I could not be happier. We’re back for the third episode of a mini-series I’ve renamed How We Got Here and this is the Our Need to “Do” is a Trauma Response episode. We have been […]

102. How We Got Here [Pt 2]: Our New World – Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody to the Front Seat Life podcast, I am Jessica Butts your host. We’re back for the second episode of a mini-series I’ve renamed How We Got Here and this is the Our New World episode. And this is all within the Healing Our Hustle focus for the podcast. This is all about […]

101. Why We Are Hustling Part 1 – Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody to the Front Seat Life podcast. I am Jessica Butts and thank you for all the love about the hundredth episode. It’s pretty amazing to have a hundred episodes. I mean, do I have that much to say? I guess I do! I really appreciate the comments and the reviews, and the […]

100. Dial It Up! Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody. This is the Front Seat Life podcast, and I am Jessica Butts bringing you my 100th episode! It’s kind of amazing. I’ve paused, taken some time off, come back with Healing the Hustle, but today we get to celebrate! I believe in celebrations and that we should celebrate our life and business […]

99. How to Show Up When You Are Not Okay: Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody. This is the Front Seat Life podcast, and I am Jessica Butts bringing you another episode in the Healing the Hustle series. I know it’s confusing, but it’s what I’m doing at the moment. Today’s episode is a bit of a mess. I’m talking about how to show up when you are […]

98. My 5 Favorite Personal Development Tools (Part 2): Healing the Hustle
I am back with Part 2 of my birthday episode! If you’ve been following along, I started sharing my five favorite personal development tools in the last episode, but due to my love of sharing, I couldn’t get them all into one episode, brevity is not my thing ha! So, I’m back this week to […]

97. My 5 Favorite Personal Development Tools (Part 1): Healing the Hustle
I am very excited about today’s episode for a couple of reasons. One, it’s my birthday! I know as we get older, it shouldn’t be such a big deal, but I’ll be 49. I’ve heard people say that when you get past 35, you just continue to feel 35. I absolutely feel that way. I […]

96. I Made A Mistake: Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody to the Healing the Hustle series on the Front Seat Life podcast. I’m delighted that you’re back, we’re on episode four. I really have no idea how many episodes there are going to be in this series, I’m just going to keep it rolling. I do love when the universe continues to […]

95. Bossy, Controlling, Overthinking… Oh My! – Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody to the Healing the Hustle series on the Front Seat Life podcast. Today is yet another doozy. I was just going to name this episode “overthinking,” but then I realized it’s not that for us, for “J” women, for us controlling, domineering, bossy, overthinking women. Hence the name of this episode. This […]

94. Dating Myself: Healing the Hustle
Welcome back everybody. I am very excited about this episode. I’ll be honest, I’m a tiny bit nervous about this because I’m going to be sharing some really, really, vulnerable stuff. And as I promised, I would super duper, duper keep it real. So here we go…. I wanted to remind you again, I feel […]

93. Entrepreneurial Trauma Response: Healing the Hustle
Welcome back and thank you so much for being here! It has been many months since I have been able to produce any new content and the return of the podcast today addresses why. Many of you have likely been feeling the same. As many of you may know I have been trying to finish […]

92: FS16 – ESFJ with Katie Christiansen
Welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast, and our new series the Front Seat 16! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today’s episode is all about the ESFJ. I just got done recording the episode with Katie Christiansen and we are doing this episode right after the Sarah Dean episode, which is perfect […]

91: FS16 – ENFJ with Sara Dean
Welcome back to the Front Seat 16, our new series from the Front Seat Life podcast! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today Sara Dean joins me for probably my favorite episode of the series to talk about ENFJ! Why’s it my favorite? Because it’s my type too, haha! Sara is a dear friend, […]

90: FS16 – ENFP with Gina and Rae
Welcome back to the Front Seat 16, our new series from the Front Seat Life podcast! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today Gina and Rae join me as our ENFPs! Gina and I went to graduate school together and we both decided to transition from therapy to coaching because of the constrictions placed […]

89: FS16 – ESTJ with Karen Rosenzweig
Welcome back to the Front Seat 16, our new series from the Front Seat Life podcast! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today Karen Rosenzweig joins me as my official ESTJ. Karen is one of my favorite people ever. She is a total go-getter, and an incredibly awesome human being. But before we get […]

88: FS16 – ENTJ with Courtney Anderson
Welcome back to the Front Seat 16, our new series from the Front Seat Life podcast! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today we’ve got Courtney Anderson as my official ENTJ. It was a very simple choice for me when I was starting all of the Front Seat 16 interviews, it was very obvious […]

87: FS16 – Are You Suppressing Your Type?
Hello! And welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast and our new series, the Front Seat 16! I am your host Jessica Butts, and I am here to help you be unapologetically, who you are in your life, love and business, by understanding and embracing your innate personality type. Most of you know, I […]

86: HTH – 10-Year Anniversary Lessons
Wooooooooo, it has been quite a ride the past 10 years since graduating Graduate School in June of 2011! In today’s podcast I share 6 1/2 lessons (I had 6 but of course had another little one that popped into my head while riffing) I have learned in the last 10 years of entrepreneurship. 1) […]

85: HTH – Soulfish AF
Last episode we talked about identifying the holes in our bucket, then how to plug those up. Today we are going to start to fill our buckets back up. We are wrapping this Healing the Hustle series up in the next two episodes, and I know I originally talked about covering Codependency this week, but […]

84: HTH – Fixing the Hole in Your Bucket
In the last 5 episodes we have been discussing WHY we are Hustling and identifying the hole in our buckets. The trauma’s, our families of origin, our innate personality type and the insane social media world we live in at the moment. If you have learned anything from me hopefully it is about being unapologetically […]

83: HTH – Why I Sold My House
I think this episode could also be called “Keeping up with the Joneses.” In today’s episode you will hear me get real about why I sold my house. You’ll also learn how I made yet another mistake about not living in my personality type as an intuitive. I’ll share the story of how my life […]

82: HTH – Patriarchy and Hustle
Today’s episode is part two of WHY you are hustling. I talk about the importance of understanding the WHY so that we can make lasting change in our lives. There are so many people that want to simply put Band-Aids on issues and not dig in to the deeper understanding of where our issues come […]

81: HTH – WHY You Are Hustling!
Welcome back to episode number three of the Healing the Hustle series on the Front Seat Life podcast. In today’s episode I talk about Nature and Nurture in relation to hustling. I explain how half of our hustling is part of our innate personality type, something we are born with, and which types those are! […]

80: HTH – Redefine Success
Welcome back to episode number two of the Healing the Hustle series on the Front Seat Life podcast. Today’s episode is a continuation of the introduction of some of the things that I have been implementing myself the last few months as I have been healing the Hustle. Here’s what you find in today’s episode: […]

79: Healing the Hustle
Welcome back and thank you so much for being here! I am so freaking excited to bring you some new content on the Front Seat Life podcast around the new chapter in new era which is Healing the Hustle! Today’s episode is an intro to why this is up for me and quite honestly the […]

78: 47th Birthday – Release, Regroup, and Realign
Notice a change in my voice already. It’s the first morning of a 13-day break, much needed. I am taking some time to reflect and release, regroup, and get super realigned with myself. My core values, my heart, my personality type, my business, and myself as a woman, all the things. I’m recording this a […]

77: How Are You Going to Get There? [Part 3 of 3]
Part three of three, we’ve made it! We’ve talked about “Who Are You?” and “Where Are You Going?” and now we’re going to make some moves and take some action! I love doing this work on myself. I love helping other people do it. And so that’s where today, “How are you going to get […]

76: Where Are You Going? [Part 2 of 3]
Today is the second part of the three-part series that I’m doing about the stages of the business program that I’m very, very proud of called Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At Entrepreneurial School for creative and visionary, intuitive types. When I first wrote both of my books, these questions were posed to me many, […]

75: Who Are You? [Part 1 of 3]
Hello, Front Seat Lifers. It feels like it’s been a really long time since I’ve been with you, but it’s only been two weeks. And wow, what a two weeks it has been for our country. I will say that is not what this episode is about, but I cannot be a good human being […]

73: Change is Possible and Needed – My Most Vulnerable Podcast Yet
Welcome, everybody! Today’s episode is a DOOZY. I’m going to ask you to BUCKLE UP for this ride. There are going to be some surprises. And I’m going to talk today about some things, thoughts, and ideas that have been stewing for a while now. One of my core values for this podcast is just […]

72: Go Ahead and Scratch that Entrepreneurial Itch, But Stay WELLFITandFED with Dr. Heather Denniston
Hi, Front Seat Lifers! I have yet another amazing guest to share with you this week, Dr. Heather Denniston. She’s an Intuitive who had transformed herself from a super successful chiropractor to an incredible WELLNESS MAVEN. I absolutely loved our conversation, maybe because we both found ourselves feeling the ENTREPRENEURIAL ITCH and we just had […]

71: 3 Word Rebellion with Michelle Mazur
Hello, Front Seat Lifers! I have a special, amazing, WONDERFUL guest for you today, Michelle Mazur. We both live here in the Seattle area, and she is a rock star. She’s a straight-up weirdo, just like me, and so many of you, and she’s also a total intuitive type. She has a Ph.D. in Communications […]

70: Ego Tricks and Being Brave with Jena Rodriguez
Hello! I am not going to lie, I am extra excited today, one because I’ve had way too much coffee and two, I have a dear friend of mine, Jena Rodriguez with me. She’s kicking ass in business and she’s just a soul sister kind of person. And during this mind-bending conversation we talk about […]

69: When is Enough, Enough?
As always, I am super honored to be with you, and I’ve been sitting with that least episode for probably the last ten days or so and following my launch I’ve been off and just kind of taking some downtime. And during this period of “recovery,” what has been coming up for me is this […]

68: Covid Launch (and Life) Lessons with Tarzan Kay
All right, Front Seat Lifers, I have a SPECIAL GUEST with me today. If you’ve been following along, you listened to last week where I got super vulnerable, super real about why I wholeheartedly believe that COVID is happening for me, not to me. My guest today, Tarzan Kay, and I were both LAUNCHING while […]

67: The Breakthrough After the Breakdown
Hello Front Seat Lifers, it is Jessica, your host, and it is in the middle of COVID. And I want to have a deeply, profoundly PERSONAL PODCAST with you because everybody has different reasons that they do their business, that they do podcasts, that they show up in this world. And one of my core […]

66: Sex and Relationships During Quarantine
Jessa Zimmerman joins me today to talk about all things relationships and SEX during this pandemic and quarantine situation. Obviously, two things are going on. There is quarantine, and we’re also in massive fear – a global pandemic, people losing their jobs, people losing income. And we’re stuck together. So, for relationship therapist’s this is […]

65: You know what brings hope? Having a plan for after the crisis is over!!
Hello Front Seat Lifers, I have a question for you today: Do you know what brings hope? Having a plan for after the crisis is over!!???????? And having a long-term vision for your life! ???? Doing deep personal development work NOW so that when we come out of this, you are READY TO GO!! ????♀️ […]

64: How Introvert’s and Extrovert’s “Babies in the Backseats” are Showing Up During a Crisis
Hello, this is Jessica, your host coming to you during this “NEW NORMAL” that we’re in right now. And I am with you in the ROLLERCOASTER of emotions, the fear of the economy, the fear of people that I love getting sick. And during this time, I am, quite honestly, more committed than ever to […]

63: EVERYONE Needs a Schedule: Working & Schooling from Home, What You Need to Know
All right, Front Seat Lifers, it is Jessica, your host. And before we get into today’s episode, I’m going to be super, SUPER VULNERABLE with you as I always am. Still, I’m going to start it right off because I have two caveats after recording this episode and just sitting with it for a bit. […]

62: How Being an Ambitious Woman Nearly Ruined My Life
I love doing this podcast. I love educating. I LOVE SHARING my information that I know being a Myers-Briggs expert and a former psychotherapist and couple’s counselor. And one of my core values on this show is to be vulnerable with you and to share my life experiences. I don’t know who taught me this, […]

61: Debunking Myths: Introverts are SELFISH AF and Extroverts are IDIOTS
As promised, we are going down a journey of DEBUNKING some myths, but I’m going to do it, of course, in Jessica-style. Today’s topic is debunking the myths surrounding INTROVERSION and EXTROVERSION. There are a lot of them, but I picked kind of my favorites. I want to start with some general myths, and then […]

60: What Ambitious, Visionary NJ’s and Flitty, Woo Woo NP’s Have In Common
Recently, lots of people have been talking to me about some of the CONFUSION around INTUITIVE types. So, it’s led me to want to do some clarifying on this podcast episode today around NJ’s, which are intuitive judgers, and NP’s, intuitive perceivers. I created the FRONT SEAT LIFE, which is a revolutionary new approach to […]

59: How to Have Flow and Ease Using Personality Type
I am excited that you guys are here today. We are going to go on a JOURNEY over the next several weeks, and I am going to go over some basics with you. Those of you who are active listeners, (thank you, by the way), know that I recently went to my Mastermind group with […]

58: My Biggest Takeaway from Kate Northrup’s Mastermind
All right Front Seat Lifers. I am coming to you hoarse, a little bit exhausted and FULL OF LOVE and excitement. I am in Laguna Beach, and just this morning, I finished my MASTERMIND with Kate Northrup. She is my coach for 2020 and I want to share with you my big takeaways from the […]

57: What To Do When You Can’t Figure Out Your Type – 5 Steps
I get asked this question EVERY TIME I talk about personality type. 100% of the time, this comes up because it’s very, very common. The question is, “What do I do if I can’t figure out MY personality TYPE?” So, that’s what today’s episode is about, if you’re HAVING TROUBLE figuring out your personality type, […]

56: Energy Management
Hello! It’s just me today, and I want to go through what I’m currently doing in my life to do some ENERGY MANAGEMENT and what other people are doing. I’ve talked about this before, and I’m reading a great book on the subject, The Patriarchy Stress Disorder, but we as women are PREDISPOSED to be […]

55: Soul Meets Strategy – Jenna Faye Madden
Front Seat Lifers, I am excited to bring you another sassy, INSPIRING, courageous woman, Ms. Jenna Faye. In less than two years, she and her partner Spencer scaled their business, Soul Meets Strategy™ into the multi-6 figure realm – and they did it all while traveling the world while being in a relationship together. She […]

54: How Do You Decide What to Fight For? – Sara Dean
I have my amazing, thoughtful, kick-ass, brilliant friend Sara Dean with me today. Sarah is the creator and mind behind Shameless Mom Academy. We have an INCREDIBLE CONVERSATION about what it’s like to stand up for being a woman in this world. How to have an opinion and a voice without sounding “bitchy.” Both of […]

53: Top Game-Changing Tools from Badass Boss Babe, Susan Hyatt
All right, Front Seat Lifers, you are in for a TREAT. This is technically the second episode of the new year, but I couldn’t think of a better person to start the new year with than Susan Hyatt. She is currently my coach, helping me take my business to the next level. If there’s anybody […]

52: Core Values, Your Best Decision-Making Tool
Happy Freaking New Year! It is definitely my favorite time of year. It is a NEW YEAR. It is a NEW DECADE. It is 2020 people, and we are going to be bringing you all kinds of NEW and EXCITING THINGS this year. I’m super, SUPER EXCITED. Welcome to the New Year, and today’s episode […]

51: Powerful Visualization
Hello, Front Seat Lifers! Today I am going to guide you through the best visualization tool I have found. This is a pretty special episode because this is something that I normally only reserve for my private clients. I also still do in my life personally, and hands down it is the best visualization exercise […]

50: Your Year In Review
Hello Front Seat Lifers! I am thrilled as always to be here with you, especially at the end of the year. Today’s episode is a bit of a SPECIAL EPISODE. I did a Facebook Live, a webinar, and made this into a podcast. So one of my themes for the past year and definitely into […]

49: Don’t Strangle Your Family During the Holidays!
It is getting towards the end of the year, which always means family time, holiday time, all the wonderful things that come with spending time with our friends and family around the holidays. But it also NOTORIOUSLY comes with frustrations and irritations around personality type. This is one of probably my busiest times of the […]

48: Solo Travel is Empowering AF
Aloha! I am in Maui right now, in my condo with the doors wide open, birds chirping, SUN out, and I am delighted to be coming to you today. The reason that I brought all of my equipment to Maui is that I wanted to be in this vortex of energy to talk to you […]

47: Why It’s Hard for an Intuitive to Release and Move On
Today, I want to bring you a bunch of different tools, especially for Intuitive types. Anybody who knows me at all knows that I am a strong, Intuitive type. My passion is to help Intuitive types. Not that I don’t love you, Sensors. I do. I have plenty of them in my life. I have […]

46: Know Your Rocks
I love fall. I love the couple of weeks before the holidays. I love this season for a lot of reasons. One of the main reasons I love this time of year is that it feels like there’s time to REST and REFLECT. There’s time to get things done. It’s not as chaotic as the […]

45: Goal Setting for Intuitives
I just came off an incredible week with my Mastermind. We’re a total of four entrepreneurs that have become very dear friends. And we Mastermind. We are building relationships. And I am reinvigorated for Front Seat Life! For my business, for you guys, for this podcast, and to be of service. I’m more excited than […]

44: Are You Giving Away Your Intuitive Power?
We live in an INSANELY BUSY society right now. There is all the stuff… There are too many podcasts. (As you’re listening to a podcast, I’m telling you there’s too many.) There’s TOO MUCH NOISE. There are too many Instagrammers, there are too many people trying to tell you who to be, what to do, […]

43: Honoring Your Front Seat
Hello friends, today is a little bit of a riff from Episode 40, “Ambivert Is NOT A Thing.” And I’m going to share with you my Front Seat and some recent realizations. As I talked about in the ambivert episode, your Front Seat is made up of two different people, two different parts of your […]

42: What An Extrovert’s Back Seat Looks Like
So this is always interesting, that I could pretend that everything’s fine and pretend that I am in my Front Seat and the reality is – I AM NOT. And so I wanted to take this opportunity in the moment to be as authentic as I possibly and to educate you on what this looks […]

41: Raising a Unique Child
Parents, it’s time to REIMAGINE EDUCATION and your children’s experience with school. For a lot of kids, school is a friggin’ disaster. If they don’t fit in the middle-of-the-road lane, then sometimes they have no other OPTIONS. Our world is changing all around us, and rapidly. Unfortunately, the way we teach our children has not […]

40: [TRUTH BOMB] Ambivert is NOT a Thing
Oh, people, I’m here to tell you, ambiverts don’t exist. It’s not a thing. It’s just, it’s BULLSH!T. I don’t know who came up with it, but it’s not a thing. And I’m here to tell you exactly why it’s not a thing today. Ambiverts do not exist and one of the main reasons that […]

39: Two Big Lessons I Learned from the FSL Event
“Yesterday I was clever, so I changed the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi Hello Front Seat Lifers! I am thrilled as always to be with you and today is a fun episode for me. It is about what the two biggest, I mean there are a lot of […]

38: The 80/20 Rule of Rest
I am in bed. I AM SICK. So, today’s episode will be a short episode, and, ironically, this is what I wanted to talk to you about today, and then this is happening. I am now being rested by the Universe. I did not rest enough after the Front Seat Life event. This event is […]

37: Purpose-Driven Business
You NEED a purpose-driven life and business. This interview was unintentional, as a podcast episode anyway. Hello Front Seat Lifers, I am excited to bring you a recording I did with Mandi Ann. You’ve heard her before in the podcast, she’s a client, and she was interviewing me for the book she was writing. And […]

36: [TRUTH BOMB] This Resistance Thing is a B*TCH
Are you ready for something a LITTLE DIFFERENT? One of the themes that I see over and over and over… people need some TRUTH BOMBS. I need truth bombs. People need truth bombs. My clients need truth bombs. Sometimes we need to be coddled. Sometimes we need to be honed. Sometimes we need to like […]

35: Moving from Hobby to CEO
Are you ready to take your business from a HOBBY to the C-SUITE? In this power-packed episode, we’ll talk about how you can do just that. Sorry for the short notes this week, we’ve been crazy-busy and slammed with my live events, which have been AMAZING! Thanks again for listening, and I will try to […]

34: Connection v. Transaction
Are you conducting transactions or are you building RELATIONSHIPS? Is your business about connection or about dollars for hours? Are you actually LETTING your clients IN to see the real, amazing, unapologetic YOU? What would happen if you were AUTHENTIC and you shared your MESS, your struggles, strife, and your stories with love? Think about […]

33: Leveraging Your Offerings
“Isn’t a full schedule what I wanted?” You asked for the thing, you got it, and now what? You might be feeling guilty that you got what you wanted, all the blessings of a full schedule – but you are ready for a new level. Are you bitter, resentful, exhausted? Is your body breaking down? […]

32: Why You Need A Team
When is enough, enough? What would happen to your business if a catastrophe happened? Or if you just need a break or a vacation? What would happen if you called yourself out on your own bullsh*t? What if you looked at the numbers, the time spent doing stuff you suck at? What if you started […]

31: How to Show Up in Your Business
Are you freakin’ stuck?! Do you feel like you aren’t living up to your full potential – but you don’t know what the next step is? Are you TERRIFIED to step into your destiny, feeling stuck in your internal bullsh*t? Do you feel like you’re stretched soooo thin that you can’t deal with that voice […]

30: Your Mess is Your Message
Are you shutting out pain? Do you find yourself hiding the rawest parts of yourself? Are you trying to work around your pain because facing it head-on is too painful? Are you hiding it from others? Are you ready to own your own shit and to actually SHOW UP to follow your goals and dreams? […]

29: From Squirrel to Structure with Lisa Fischer
When the SHIFT hits the fan… Shift happens, friends. Sometimes the shift just has to hit the fan. We’re talking about what happens when you are a total SQUIRREL but you want SUCCESS and you need STRUCTURE. Maybe you are thinking that you are rocking it. Maybe you are thinking this is as good as […]

28: Have You Been Hiding?
Where have you been Girl Boss? This episode is the first of a series of eight podcasts around being a Girl Boss and a new success path to really establish being who you are. I’m going to cover the shifts and all the stages it takes to become an effective girl boss and really build […]

27: Boss Up B*tch
An absolute A-plus student who has recently bossed up big time! That’s how I would describe my special guest today, Nadia Ahrens of Transform The Shit Out Of Your Live. She is one of my star Lady Boss clients, a close colleague, and an ENFJ twin. I grill her on what it took for her […]

26: [Replay] Purpose, Passion, and Resistance
A repeat performance? That’s right, today’s episode is the first replay I have done in six months since I’ve launched this podcast and there are reasons for the repeat episode: it is the 4th of July and it’s also my birthday. There is also a lot going on in my life and in my business […]

25: It’s My Birthday! Six Lessons I Have Learned This Year
I am somebody who has always believed in milestones. I believe in celebrating. I believe in looking back at the things that you’ve accomplished. I believe that the best predictor of your future performance is your past performance and taking a close look at what have you accomplished, and asking yourself where are you still […]

24: Want More Time? Learn About Time-Blocking, Rocks, and A-Listers… Oh My!
These three things have given me more time and freedom. Time blocking, rocks, and A-listers. Oh my. I have learned these from a plethora of different people in my life, and they have also kept my personality type sane and given me so much energy. People underestimate how much time they have available. They think […]

23: Five Steps to a NEW LIFE
I have five BIG lessons today that I would like to share with you in reflection of this somewhat monumental occasion for me, the eighth anniversary of my graduation from Graduate school. I am a big believer in looking back at the past and seeing how far you have come, and not just at the […]

22: The 3 REAL Reasons I Journal
Journaling is not just some “woo-woo” bullsh!t, it’s for real. And today I’m going to reveal to you the three REAL reasons why I journal… and why you should too! I gotta be honest, I get massive, massive pushback… probably from between 90 and 98% of my clients, I get massive pushback on journaling. People […]

21: Compartmentalization Can Save Your Life
Are you like spaghetti or waffles? This might sound bonkers, but stay with me here as I jump into the world of COMPARTMENTALIZATION. Girl, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, this episode is especially for YOU. I see you, intuitive types and judging types. Are you squirreling out? Do you get distracted […]

20: Yes, I Can with Guest Sara Dean
Zone of Genius? Zone of Excellence? WTF are those? Sara and I go deep today into defining these concepts. And we detail how we can get caught in our comfort zones sometimes, sticking to our Excellence and avoiding the discomfort that is required to push through to get to our Genius. This wonderful conversation with […]

19: Purpose, Passion, and Resistance with Guest Mandi Ann
Determination, passion, purpose, mindset… and not living five minutes in front of your face. My special guest Mandi Ann and I talk candidly about what it took her to find the ideal path for her journey. A path which delivered so much passion and purpose, she became determined to write her new book and grow […]

18: How Intuition Can Be Your Biggest Blessing and Also Your Biggest Curse
A blessing and a curse, being an Intuitive can potentially be both at the same time. Join Jessica as she dives DEEP into Chapter 3 of her book, “Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At”. She gets literally into the HEART of being an INTUITIVE and how it can simultaneously be a huge advantage and the […]

17: J’s and Wonky Summer Energy
“I’m about to go on a Rampage, quite honestly, this summer, like a straight up rampage to help people have the best summer of their lives.” I’m going just going to keep it real right up front. What I’m going to talk to you about today is potentially going to just blow your mind. This […]

16: Leaving A Sh#tty Job
“It’s when sh#t like this comes up… when you are stressed out, when you want to punch someone in the face for eating popcorn and they’re not doing their job… and you realize: I could be putting my talents to better use.” All right Front Seat Lifers, this is a very special episode today. I […]

15: Where Are You Going?
Who are you, where are you going, and how are you going to get there? These words came from when I was in graduate school. We were given some homework that summer before we started, and I read this book and it had those three lines in that book. Who are you, where are you […]

14: How to Speak Your Partner’s Language
Any couples out there that are looking for better communication, really starting to understand each other’s personality types, your energy, how you make decisions, all the miscommunications… then this episode is for you. About six years ago I started this crazy process of starting this business called Front Seat Life and with the tag line […]

13: Personality Type and Your Relationship with friend Lisa Fischer
Being unapologetically who you are in your relationship, what does this mean? How is it related to personality type and what impact can this have? I am joined by my dear friend Lisa Fischer today to have a candid conversation about this powerful topic. If you haven’t been following along, over the last several episodes […]

12: Masculine and Feminine Energy
David is back to discuss, and to quiz me, about masculine and feminine energy, how these show up in each and every one of us, and some of the many challenges we navigate in a relationship related to these two powerful forces. We get super vulnerable during our conversation, both of us sharing some stories […]

11: Do You Need More Variety Than Your Partner?
We have been transitioning from “self” into “other.” Last week’s episode was about understanding your partner’s energy, introversion and extroversion, and understanding how your energy is different from your partner’s. And today we are continuing this relationship conversation and I am going back to my therapy roots, I’m putting my therapy hat on. I used […]

10: Understanding Your Partner’s Energy
I am continuing to talk about things “other” related. As you guys know, this whole podcast is about living your life from the Front Seat, about being unapologetically who you are in your life, love, and business. I have been talking about the self, being unapologetically who you are, understanding your “side of the net” […]

9: Codependent Much?
Today’s topic is codependency. Oh Wow. That’s a doozy. For those of you who have never heard about codependency before, this is one of the biggest topics that has impacted my life as well as my business. The next two months we are diving into self and others. If you are coming into this and […]

8: A Balance of Self and Others
We are making a big move, from “self” to “others.” We do not live in a silo. We do not live alone. We live with others and one of the best models that I ever learned was this model of attunement and differentiation. And that’s what today’s episode is going to be all about. Today […]

7: Who Are YOU?
What is our job? It is our job to complete ourselves and go into relationships as a whole person. Nobody else can do this. Someone else cannot “complete” us, and this can be hard, very hard. Especially for women because we, as caretakers, can struggle with our “side of the net.” I use a tennis […]

6: Why Judgers and Perceivers Get on Each Other’s Nerves!
Welcome, Front Seat Lifers! We are on week four of the dichotomies. We have been talking for the last four weeks about introversion, extroversion, sensing, intuition, thinking, feeling, judging and perceiving. And today’s episode is one of my all-time favorites that I will probably ever do a because it is about my favorite dichotomy which […]

5: What it’s like to be a Thinking Woman or a Feeling Man
Hello everybody, welcome. This is Jessica Butts, your host of the Front Seat Life Podcast, and today I have interviewed two different people to really highlight the dichotomy of this week’s episode, which is Thinking and Feeling. This is one of the most interesting dichotomies because it is very gender biased as well as societally […]

4: Growing Up Intuitive
Hey there, welcome back! Come and join me as a fly on the wall while my good friend (and former boyfriend) David and I discuss what life is like as an Intuitive. We both realized at some point, it took some time believe me, that being an Intuitive, despite it making us complete weirdos, is […]

3: Understanding Introversion and Extroversion
In this episode, I, a devoted extrovert, sit down with two wonderful people who are leaning towards the introverted side of things. Stephanie and Jeni have agreed to join me today to share some stories about what it is like to be an introvert in an extroverted world. I believe our conversation brings some interesting […]

2: Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At
Hello, I’m so glad you are back, this episode piggybacks onto Episode 1. If you haven’t heard that episode yet, please consider going back and listening, it will help everything in this installment of the show make so much more sense. In this episode, I reveal a framework, an analogy I personally came up with […]

1: Live Your Life from the Front Seat – Meyers Briggs Overview
Welcome back to the Front Seat Life Podcast! Hello, I’m so glad you are here. This is the episode where we start to get into the “meat” of the show and I can’t wait to share. You’ll find out where that comes from during this episode as I start to unpack my fascination with Meyers-Briggs […]

0: What I Have Learned in the Past Five Years
Welcome to the Front Seat Life Podcast! Hello, I’m Jessica Butts and I am so glad you are here! This is the first episode of my new podcast and I can’t wait to share some amazing times with you. During this inaugural episode, I want to explain a little about who I am and what […]
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