As always, I am super honored to be with you, and I’ve been sitting with that least episode for probably the last ten days or so and following my launch I’ve been off and just kind of taking some downtime. And during this period of “recovery,” what has been coming up for me is this question, “When is enough, ENOUGH?”
I’ve asked myself this question many times throughout the years, and it’s really, really come back up for me strongly and powerfully during Covid, during quarantine work, during the global pandemic, in addition to launching during that time.
All of this and maybe the TIME OF PAUSE has brought to the forefront for me, and for others as well, this opportunity to reflect and think about this idea of when is enough, enough?
During this episode, I dive into how personality type plays into our attitude around this concept and why it’s important to ask specific questions when we feel things aren’t meeting our expectations, or we can’t seem to reach our goals.
Why is this happening for me, not to me, and WHAT CHANGES DO I GET TO MAKE in my business right now and my life, my life, and my business right now? Because again, to me, I feel this is the opportunity of all opportunities to slow it down and say, “Okay, everybody stop. Let’s reevaluate. What do I really want to do?”
And as I’ve talked about in past episodes, our INTUITION is our greatest guide. In so many ways, this is so delightful to slow down.
So, listen in, and I give you some things that I want you to consider when you think about, “When is enough, enough?”
Number one always is: What is your type? Number two: What are your core values? One of my big core values is FREEDOM, and there are a lot of different ways to define this idea for each of us.
What are your circumstances? What is your lifestyle? What is important to you? Whatever your way is, the way that you run your business, the way that you live your life, that is always enough.
When you die, what will you regret?
This is a deeply thoughtful episode, highlighting some learning I’ve recently experienced and some from the past, but all very important. Best wishes, as always, and I will see you next week.
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