Are you like spaghetti or waffles?
This might sound bonkers, but stay with me here as I jump into the world of COMPARTMENTALIZATION. Girl, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, this episode is especially for YOU. I see you, intuitive types and judging types. Are you squirreling out? Do you get distracted with every shiny object or great idea, flitting from one thing to another and not really getting much done? I’VE GOT YOU. Truly, let me show you the way to make your life not only EASIER and more efficient – but more FUN!
Let’s stop f*cking around, chasing all the shiny things. Let’s get you started; learning how to complete 90-day goals, how to focus, and how to choose to be present IN THE MOMENT so you can get WORK done like the lady boss you are. Find out how a simple experiment with a raisin, yes, a raisin, can help you FOCUS.
Nobody has enough time to afford the option to waste it, especially you. You’ve got BIG ideas, incredible skills, and important shit to do.
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