“It’s when sh#t like this comes up… when you are stressed out, when you want to punch someone in the face for eating popcorn and they’re not doing their job… and you realize: I could be putting my talents to better use.”

All right Front Seat Lifers, this is a very special episode today. I have my very favorite person in the entire world on the podcast, my sister Erica. We pretty much hated each other during our teenage years, I think, as most girls did. But since then, we are the best of friends, deeply, deeply in each other’s lives. So much so, that when I started my coaching groups and my business a few years ago, my sister was my helper. I always had this vision of her being a part of my business for some reason. She’s funny, she’s engaging. She has an unbelievable work ethic. So, when I started doing my group programs, she was my helper. She was organized, she greeted people, she just loved on them.

She was brilliant at it, absolutely brilliant at it. The lovely and incredible side effect is that she sat in the back of the room working, doing diligence, being of service to all my clients for about two years and inadvertently heard everything that I was teaching them. Subconsciously, all of this stuff kind of seeped into her beautiful mind and all of a sudden one day she called me and said, “I think I want to start my own dog walking business.”

And I think my reaction was, “It’s about f-ing time and hallelujah, praise God!” because it was so obvious. She’s been a dog and cat lover, and animal rights activist since she was born. It seems like she just kind of came out of our mama loving on animals and wanting to be of service to animals.

It wasn’t just such an easy transition. She’s a hard worker, she’s organized, but she just needed, I think to hear the stuff that I was saying about how you can leap, that you can do the hard work. It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to take effort. She had to work two, three, even four jobs to make it happen, but the next hour is really the story of how this person in my life that I love so much made the leap. She left her shitty corporate job and made the leap and how she’s making more money and so much happier.

I know how many of you are listening right now that are in the exact same situation my sister was in and that you feel like you can’t do it. You don’t have the blessing from your family. You don’t know how you’re going to do it financially. And I’m here to tell you it’s not going to be easy. Erica had to run herself ragged just as I did and every entrepreneur I know does, and then at some point, “Oh my God, I can do this.”

I hope that you will sit down, listen to this episode. Yes, it’s a leap and yes, it’s terrifying, but when you can make that move and you’ve proven to yourself you can do it, you will feel as light as a feather. Or as Erica says, as light as one of the Olsen twins.

This is why so many of you are listening to this Front Seat Life Podcast and staying motivated and inspired in your life because so many of you want the same thing that my sister was able to do. Thank you so much for listening and enjoy.

“I have for sure had dog poop in my hair, maybe under my nails. It’s raining a week straight and it’s still a better scenario for me than the best day as a state worker. The worst day as a dog walker will forever be better than the best day as a state worker.” – Erica

To find out more about Jessica visit https://jessicabutts.com/.

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James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Jessica Butts

Jessica Butts is a retired psychotherapist turned Author, Motivational Speaker, and Business Coach who focuses on strategies, tips, and mindset tools to help you “be unapologetically who you are” in your life, love and business!