An absolute A-plus student who has recently bossed up big time! That’s how I would describe my special guest today, Nadia Ahrens of Transform The Shit Out Of Your Live. She is one of my star Lady Boss clients, a close colleague, and an ENFJ twin. I grill her on what it took for her to change her mindset around her business and make some impressive changes.
“If you find that you’re saying the same thing over and over your clients, then you’ve got a message.”
She and I love a good role reversal because, in fact, she was my supervisor when I was a brand-new psychotherapist. One of the appealing reasons why she decided to sign up for coaching with me was that as a former psychotherapist with a full practice, I knew her exact business pain point. The big shift for Nadia came after she realized that she was stuck in her therapy business, just like I had been 5 years ago. Working one-on-one with clients reaches a point where you run out of time, run out of energy, and max out with your ability to create more income…and freedom.
During this interview, Nadia and I detail the baby steps she was able to follow which allowed her to clarify her message and a dramatic increase in her ability to work with more people. She began leveraging her time and value, growing her business exponentially in a relatively short time.
Nadia is a perfect example of somebody who is wicked smart and who can build a successful practice on their own, but literally couldn’t see outside of her immediate reality. And I think there are a lot of entrepreneurs out there where that is the case. It was the case for me, too. That’s why I always have a coach, why I’m hiring new people and doing new things. It’s is because we get to a certain spot and we can’t see past that. We need help to take the blinders off.
You don’t know what you don’t know and moving past this unconscious incompetence is HUGE. As our eyes are opened to the new opportunities and options we begin to have “A-ha!” moments. Nadia began to have these moments as her mindset shifted, and when we paired this with a systematic approach to growth, success was inevitable.
One of the biggest challenges I see with any desired change, especially with “creatives” is that we want this shit to happen yesterday. We’re damn impatient, and once we see the light we want it all and we want it now. But before we can have the fun throw pillows and funky decorations, we need to build a foundation for our house. It’s the same in business, and this is where Nadia discovered it’s time to slow down, do the “baby steps,” focus on the things in her Front Seat and outsource the stuff in her Back Seat.
And then, when you trust in the plan and stick to it, stay consistent and don’t waver, it just works.
“Also, going back to the therapy and coaching thing, there is only so much growth you can expect from somebody who’s paying a $20 copay.”
We begin to close out this conversation with a mic drop from Nadia who attributes much of her success to the fact that she hired a coach and had some serious skin in the game. She wasn’t going to piss away the opportunity. It was time to put her money where her mouth was and get very conscious about her growth.
Listen to this amazing conversation full of powerful takeaways, it will inspire you and open your mind to the possibilities, at least I hope it does. That’s my goal for this podcast, to help you move past your hurdles, write yourself a new life story, and reach your full potential, because you can! Thanks again for listening, I so appreciate it!
For more about Nadia, go to
For more about Jessica and her upcoming events, visit
Follow her on Instagram @frontseatlife for daily motivation.
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