Today’s topic is codependency. Oh Wow. That’s a doozy. For those of you who have never heard about codependency before, this is one of the biggest topics that has impacted my life as well as my business.

The next two months we are diving into self and others. If you are coming into this and you haven’t listened to episode 8, I would suggest going back and listening because that is really about the balance of self and others. Today and in the next several episodes, and last week’s episode too, I talk about transferring into the other.

Because we don’t live in a silo, we don’t live in a world where it’s just us, there are all these other people in the world… Our sisters and our brothers and our spouses and our kids and our significant others and friends. We live in this world of others. Although the next few episodes I will be referencing romantic relationship, you can really relate this conversation to pretty much any relationship in your life.

Today’s episode is a bit of a butt kicker. I really get going at the end of it, so stay tuned for that. I know you’re going to enjoy it. This topic of codependency is something that I will continue to cover, but today is really an intro into it and it is essential. Learning about this, learning about how we interact and then what it means to have healthy detachment.

You’ve probably heard the saying stay on your side of the net or stay on your side of the fence. This is what codependency means and I think of it as a tennis court. Think of it as two sides of a court and in the middle is a net and any time two people are in a relationship, whether this is siblings, mother, daughter, parents, your children, obviously your intimate relationships, your partner, co-workers…

This is any relationship in your life and how we show up in those relationships. Imagine someone you’re having trouble with, but they are on the other side of the net and you’re on one side of the net – healthy detachment. A lot of people think detachment is a negative word, but healthy detachment is an excellent thing.

Listen to this episode and I’m going to describe what that looks like as well as what unhealthy attachment looks like. Where things get tricky is most people have some form of what’s called codependency. I’m going to describe those two different forms of codependency, what happens, and what to do about it.

I’ll never ever forget when I learned about codependency and how much it was just like a light bulb going off. It was just straight up a huge light bulb. It was just so incredibly eye-opening. And since that day I have been continuing to use it and play with it and love it and have it change my life and I believe it will do the same for you. So enjoy today’s episode.

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James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Jessica Butts

Jessica Butts is a retired psychotherapist turned Author, Motivational Speaker, and Business Coach who focuses on strategies, tips, and mindset tools to help you “be unapologetically who you are” in your life, love and business!