Are you freakin’ stuck?!

Do you feel like you aren’t living up to your full potential – but you don’t know what the next step is? Are you TERRIFIED to step into your destiny, feeling stuck in your internal bullsh*t? Do you feel like you’re stretched soooo thin that you can’t deal with that voice inside that tells you that you are meant for MORE?

What if you were so fed up with your own crap – that you finally took action? What if you said YES?  What if you just went for it?

Isn’t it time to say YES to YOU? (That’s a rhetorical question, ladies, because the answer is a resounding HELL YES)

Dana Adams is the founder of the Life Mapping Institute, author of the book “Live Your Gift” and it’s amazing companion guide. She did the THING, she’s living her GIFT, and she wants to teach you how to do it, too. What amazing things are you carrying around in your gut, your soul, your head? What are you driven to give to the WORLD? Learn more about how to commit to what sets your soul on fire. Learn how to push through resistance and DO IT ANYWAY. Did you hear that? DO. IT. ANYWAY.

What would you say if tomorrow, God asked you, “Did you use all the gifts that I gave you?” Dana asked herself this question after attending her first Front Seat Life event and the rest is history. It wasn’t easy – but it was worth it. A single mother of 4 boys, a woman who was stifled by fear, and who was nervous to show up – she made herself PROUD and so can you. <— Read that again, friend. You CAN do it. The time is going to pass anyway – what would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Manifest your visions.
Live your bliss.
Claim your miracles.
Show up in your life.
Live your GIFT.

Follow Dana Adams and the Life Mapping Institute at https://www.facebook.com/lifemappinginstitute/. She’s offering $25 OFF her upcoming Two-Day Life Mapping Workshop in October 2019 to all our listeners. Use code PODCAST25.

For more about Jessica and her upcoming events, visit https://jessicabutts.com

Follow her on Instagram @frontseatlife for daily motivation.

James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Jessica Butts

Jessica Butts is a retired psychotherapist turned Author, Motivational Speaker, and Business Coach who focuses on strategies, tips, and mindset tools to help you “be unapologetically who you are” in your life, love and business!