Latest Episodes

Episode #24-It’s A Wrap
This is the final episode for The Forensic Financialist. Jeff reflects back on his first podcast and shares some of the most meaningful moments of The Forensic Financialist. Most importantly is Jeff’s gratitude to everyone who checked out this podcast. And, a huge thank you to those who provided reviews and subscribed! I hope you […]

Episode #23-Just Show Up! An Interview with Successful Entrepreneur and Expert Networker, Toni Harris Taylor
Toni Harris Taylor showed up! She has been challenged. From personal trauma to professional challenges, through it all, she has persevered. Toni is now determined and energized to help others succeed. Her mantra is “drastic!” Why? Because everything Toni does is drastic, including her business, Drastic Results. “You can take tiny steps to progress, but […]

Episode #22 Cognitive Behavior, What Is It? Why Should We Know? An Interview with Cognitive Behavior Coach, Mackenzie Childs
In this episode Jeff speaks with cognitive behavioral coach, Mackenzie Childs. While “cognitive behavior” is not necessarily something you hear about every day, it is one that surfaces more today then ever. In discussing cognitive behavior, Mackenzie defines and describes what it is and why we should know about it. And, even more importantly, how […]

Episode #21 Know Your Numbers-Understandable Solutions with Jeff Newkirk
Knowing your numbers is so important. Whether you are an entrepreneur, leader in a large organization, or managing your own personal finances, you need to know key financial measures. In this episode Jeff discusses four key financial measures that we need to review on a regular basis. Conducting a review could be the difference between […]

Episode #20 “Are You Saying I Can’t Do That? Just Watch” An Interview with Dawn Candy, Successful Entrepreneur Making a Difference
In this episode Jeff speaks with successful entrepreneur, Dawn Candy, who hears words such as “you can’t” or “you shouldn’t” as words to inspire rather than reject. We all experience some form of rejection at some point in our lives, but it is how we respond to that rejection that will determine the ultimate outcome. […]

Episode #19-An Interview with Business Coach, Robert Osborne-Understandable Solutions with Jeff Newkirk
Recent studies suggest that over 60% of those receiving coaching have an improved job satisfaction. They are happier at what they do every day. Further, over 50% of business owners and executives stated that coaching increased the profitability of their business. In this episode of “The Forensic Financialist” Robert Osborne, experienced and well-known business coach, […]

Episode #18-An Interview with TBI Survivor, Andrew Treutle, CPA-Understandable Solutions with Jeff Newkirk
Most of us go through each day not truly appreciating all that we have, including our ability to walk, talk, think, and remember. Can you imagine being at the top of your career, loving life, and in an instance, things change? That happened to Mr. Andrew Treutle. As a partner with a well-known and highly […]

Episode #17-An Interview with Networking Guru and Entrepreneur Stacy Harris-Understandable Solutions with Jeff Newkirk
This discussion aims to improve your business and build strong leaders by providing understandable solutions. Without networking, growing a business becomes nearly impossible. In this episode of “The Forensic Financialist” Jeff discusses the need for business owners to establish a strong and important networking skill. It is through building a network that a business owner […]

Episode #16- Jeff Newkirk discusses 12 for ‘21-Part-2
Jeff takes the next two episodes to help us plan for a successful 2021. In this second part of the 12 for ‘21 Jeff introduces seven more essential tasks that any entrepreneur, business owner, and organizational leader need to address in order to prepare for a successful 2021. The first six essential tasks were introduced […]

Episode #15- Jeff Newkirk discusses 12 for ‘21-Part-1
Jeff takes the next two episodes to help us plan for a successful 2021. In this episode of “The Forensic Financialist” Jeff introduces 12 tasks that any entrepreneur, business owner, and organizational leader need to address in order to prepare for a successful 2021. The first six tasks are covered in this episode, with tasks […]

Episode #14- Interview with Sales Guru and Consultant Rob Smith with Jeff Newkirk
“Businesses have two problems, sales and everything else,” says Rob Smith. In this episode of The Forensic Financialist, Rob Smith, well known sales consultant and educator, joins Jeff to discuss the critical elements needed for sales success in our new COVID-19 world. Rob brings to our attention how we must shift attention from in person […]

Episode #13- Jeff Newkirk Talks Business, and Developing Career Success with Dorie Clark
Best-selling author and world renown business coach and consultant, Dorie Clark joins Jeff in a spirited discussion on business, as well as the ups and downs of building a career. The conversation gets real when Dorie and Jeff talk about the bumps in the road one can experience along the path to success. The discussion […]

Episode #12- Jeff Newkirk discusses Part #2 of the 13 Absolutes of Leadership-The Forensic Financialist
In this episode Jeff continues to talk leadership. In Part 1 of this two-part series he introduced the first 5 absolutes of a strong leader: good heart, energetic, perseverance, courage, and positive attitude. In this episode Jeff introduces the remaining 8 absolutes: good communicator, serve others, disciplined, humility, vision 80/tactician 20, triple L, faith, and […]

Episode #11- Jeff Newkirk discusses the 13 Absolutes of Leadership-The Forensic Financialist
In this episode, Jeff talks about leadership. He believes that there are 13 qualities that a strong leader must possess, which he terms “absolutes.” In part one of this two-part series, Jeff introduces the first 5 absolutes: good heart, energetic, perseverance, courage, and positive attitude. All are essential for strong leadership. Giving credit where credit […]

Episode #10- Jeff Newkirk Interviews Jim Muehlhausen About an Exciting Program Called “Half-Retire”
In this episode Jeff talks small business and a new, exciting program called “Half-Retire” with Jim Muehlhausen. Jim is a well-known entrepreneur, business owner, consultant, franchisor, public speaker, university professor, and book author. Jim has conducted over 10,000 consulting sessions and through that has learned what it takes to succeed in business, as well as […]

Episode #9-How Has the Sports Industry Changed in 2020? Jeff Newkirk Interviews Sport Management Professor Dr. Rodney Caughron
In this episode, Jeff discusses the sports industry with well known and respected sport management professor, Dr. Rodney Caughron. Dr. Caughron has spent the last twenty-plus years researching and teaching topics related to leadership and sport management. Based on his research, Dr. Caughron has been able to keep a pulse on today’s environment in sport, […]

Episode #8-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk Talking with Best Selling Author Mike Michalowicz
In this episode, Jeff talks business with Mike Michalowicz, best known for his works the Pumpkin Plan, Surge, Profit First, and Clockwork. Mike’s most recent work, Fix This Next is of particular interest since it addresses finding the most critical issues impacting your business. As Mike most impactfully puts it in his Fix This Next […]

Episode #7-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-“Core Values”-part 3
In Part 3 of Jeff’s Core Values discussion, he discusses three of his own core values: humility, accountability, and integrity. Core values are such an important part of establishing what we stand for and what we believe in. In today’s society, people are quick to discount core values, acquiescing to the latest and greatest trend […]

Episode #6-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-“Core Values”-part 2
In Part 2 of Jeff’s Core Value discussion, he introduces two more of his core values: being a life-long learner and being compassionate. These two values are part of Jeff’s seven core values he lives by and aspires to. Sticking with the “non-preachy” presentation, Jeff describes what it means to be receptive to learning and […]

Episode #5-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-“Core Values”
What is a “core value?” Why do we need core values? What do core values do for us? In this episode, Jeff defines core values and breaks down why we need them, and introduces two of his own core values. Serve others. Have faith. Two values Jeff describes here. He doesn’t get “preachy,” but emphasizes […]

Episode #4-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-How to Use REARview for Any Situation
In previous episodes, Jeff has introduced the REARview methodology and has provided some descriptions based on assessing your business. In this episode, Jeff discusses the REARview as an assessment tool for almost any situation. Jeff describes looking for a new job and how the REARview is the perfect tool to leave no stone unturned. Jeff […]

Episode #3-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-Examine It, Says the “REARview”
Understanding what needs to be examined is almost as important as conducting the review. In step 2 of the REARview, Jeff introduces how the examination answers the question of “why did this happen?” By reviewing (step 1) some of the key measures, like Net Income, Working Capital, and Cash Balance, you can then determine what […]

Episode #2-The Forensic Financialist Podcast with Jeff Newkirk-Looking REARview for a Forward Thinking Future
Jumping right into his REARview Mirror approach, Jeff introduces the methodology and all of its simplicity. The REARview can be used for business and personal life. Review. Examine. Adjust. Revise. Simple steps that we should all incorporate when addressing an issue or solving a problem. In this episode, Jeff describes the first step in his […]

Episode #1-The Forensic Financialist Podcast-What the Heck is a Forensic Financialist?
In this first episode of The Forensic Financialist, Jeff introduces the objective of the podcast and describes for his followers what he calls a Forensic Financialist. In Jeff’s recent book, “Understandable Solutions, Confessions of a Forensic Financialist” he describes the simple approach to business assessment, the REARview Mirror. Jeff provides a summary of his REARview […]
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