Today we have with us Baruch Spiegel, CEO and Founder of GENI (Global Education Network Initiative) and GENI World. Baruch established GENI in order to provide quality educational services to families, schools and the broader community of educators. In addition, GENI is developing a message of inclusion through collaborative learning which is directed at both the children and the adults. As a Consultant Behaviour Analyst, Baruch has had the privilege of working across 3 continents and with many gifted and talented educators. It has helped mold the training packages he offers and has developed his ability to craft programs for children that take their cultural surroundings into consideration as well as their abilities. About Baruch Spiegel Best-selling author Baruch Spiegel has worked in the field of behavior analysis for over 13 years. During this time he has spent over 10,000 hours across three different continents developing programs for children with Autism, learning difficulties, academic deficits and problem behaviors. He has had the privilege of working with many gifted and passionate educators during this time and it has helped him understand the importance of collaborative learning not only for the children but for the adults around them. In 2015, he published, Hope & Change: Building a Better Future For Our Children. He has spent much of time observing the educational forum and in doing so has seen the landscape change dramatically over the past decade. His goal in starting his company is to provide another voice to that changing landscape, one which will speak of compassion rather than discrimination and integration rather than exclusion. His inspiration comes from the children with whom he works as they show him the meaning of perseverance and the importance of enjoying what you are doing. For Further Information Visit Baruch’s social media site for educators at and purchase his book, Hope & Change: Building a Better Future For Our Children, at

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing.She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing. She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.