In this episode, Amy Praskac discusses the importance of being prepared for a medical emergency or end of life. She tells stories along with lessons to be learned and shares observations from her organizing practice.

Amy Praskac reunited with her high school sweetheart only to be widowed a few years later. Her experience served as a springboard for a new career as a records organizer specializing in end-of-life planning. Her book, The Critical Information Workbook: Creating a Road Map for Your Family, helps you record all of the information that you might need in any emergency. Amy believes that being organized frees one to lead a more fulfilling life.

Amy’s book is available on Amazon at

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing.She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing. She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.