Busy professional and Baby Boomers often find fitness and nutrition taking a back seat to their hectic lives and work schedules. They want to eat healthy and workout regularly… but either don’t know how or can’t fit it into their lifestyle. If you can identify with those challenges, this episode is tailored just for you.

Sohil Farahmand is founder of The Exit Training located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, where he helps working professionals develop fitness and nutritional habits tailored to their busy lifestyle.  Through his company, Sohil has helped teach many individuals with different lifestyles to incorporate fitness into their lives and helped them reach their total health objectives. Sohil has his Bachelor of Science in Life Science from the University of Guelph, is a Certified personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine, a Fitness instructor specialist through the Canadian Fitness Professionals, a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a certified Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition. Welcome to the show Sohil.

During the interview, Sohil shares:

  • Why he works with busy professionals and Baby Boomers to incorporate fitness and nutrition into their busy lifestyle.
  • How he focuses on understanding his client’s lifestyle and goals before developing a fitness or nutrition program.
  • Why scheduling sleep is just as important as scheduling exercise.
  • How he helps create eating habits that get results and supports his clients’ lifestyle.
  • Why he focuses on building habits instead of developing set programs to get results.
  • How he uses small accomplishments to build consistency and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Why daily actions are a better measures of results than the scale.
  • What to look for in selecting a personal trainer that’s right for you.
  • Why Baby Boomers need to focus on quality of life and lifetime habits and not short-term goals.

If you’d like more information about Sohil or his personal training company, go to: theexittraining.com

Phil Faris

Phil Faris is a Best Selling Author, business consultant, coach and host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio covering Experts, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Fitness and Leadership.