Inna Khazan, Ph.D., BCB is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and performance excellence, expert. She is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, where she has taught biofeedback and mindfulness, and supervised trainees since 2008. Dr. Khazan works with executives, athletes, lawyers, physicians, managers, scientists, artists, and other professionals on optimizing their health and performance.

Dr. Khazan is a pioneer in mindfulness-based biofeedback. She has been invited to give keynote and conference presentations and teach workshops at national and international conferences and prestigious institutions around the world on the topics of biofeedback and mindfulness. Dr. Khazan has conducted biofeedback and mindfulness training for notable institutions in the US and abroad, including the US Navy Special Warfare, US Army Special Forces, and the Stuttgart Opera and Ballet Company. Dr. Khazan is the author of the highly-regarded book Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback: A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Practice with Mindfulness, published by Wiley Blackwell in May 2013. She is currently working a new book about bringing the principles of biofeedback and mindfulness into everyday life with the goal of optimizing health and performance.

During her interview Inna shares:

  • What mindfulness-based biofeedback is and the types of people with whom she works.
  • Her personal journey with biofeedback and mindfulness.
  • What the most common challenges her clients over 50 encounters including chronic pain, high blood pressure, depression, IBS, migraine headaches, stress and how to improve mental and physical performance and how she helps them.
  • How clients are trained to recognize when their bodies are set for optimal performance and when they are not.
  • How clients are taught to re-set their bodies when they are sub-optimized.
  • How to use the FLARE model to recognize and remediate unhelpful thoughts and emotions that can hinder optimal performance.
  • What types of people can most benefit from mindfulness-based biofeedback and how to determine if it is the right approach for you.
  • Why common misconceptions about mindfulness and biofeedback are unfounded.
  • How to select a practitioner that is qualified and right for you.

If you want more information about mindfulness-based biofeedback or Inna, go to:

Phil Faris

Phil Faris is a Best Selling Author, business consultant, coach and host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio covering Experts, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Fitness and Leadership.