Brandy Schroeder, aka ‘Coach B’ is on a mission to help women feel confident in their skin and balance life’s chaos through sustainable nutritional and lifestyle changes. Brandy helps women understand that it is often more than food when it comes to their weight and how they feel about themselves. Brandy is a retired bodybuilder turned Crossfitter who understands the extreme nature of diets. She helps women understand what chronic dieting does to their overall health. Where does she go from there? She helps you understand the next action step to get you closer to your goals!

If you are a woman over 30 who have been on and off diets most of your life, this show is for you! If your relationship with food is ruining your health and maybe your life, this show is for you! If you want to finally, look and feel great without obsessing about the scale and what you eat, this show is for you!

During the interview, Brandy shares:

How her pursuit of unrealistic fitness goals left her looking “fit” but feeling unhappy and almost ruined her health.

How the choices made in your 20s and 30s lay the foundation for your 40s and beyond.

Why having the “diet mentality” leaves women unhappy and in a constant state of repair.

How the relationship you have with food drives both destructive, and healthy habits.

How reverse dieting can help you unlock the secrets to your fitness goals and a healthy lifestyle.

Why a nutrition coach can help you achieve your goals faster, safer, and more effective than trying to do it yourself.

What obstacles keep women from working with a coach and how to overcome them.

What the most important factor is for sustaining your health and fitness results.

If you want to more information or are interested in contacting Brandy, go to

her website is,

on Facebook

on Instagram you can also find her on

and email her at

Phil Faris

Phil Faris is a Best Selling Author, business consultant, coach and host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio covering Experts, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Fitness and Leadership.