Many people have considered dabbling in real estate investing but were dissuaded by stories of nightmare tenants, vacancy problems, high maintenance costs and any number of other issues that keep landlords lying awake at night.

Today’s guest, Martin Saenz of 2nd Chance Funding is taking an entirely different approach to real estate investing to generate high returns for himself and his clients – purchasing mortgage notes.

If you have heard of this type of investment – or perhaps even considered purchasing mortgage notes yourself in the past – but were put off by what seemed like a mysterious way to make money, you’re going to be very interested to hear what Mr. Saenz has to say.

The author of the upcoming book Mortgage Note Investing Made Easier, Martin has developed a formula that virtually anyone can follow to profit handsomely while helping distressed borrowers stay in their homes.

For More Information:

2nd Chance Funding Website

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Frank Felker

Frank Felker is a bestselling business author, educator, coach and consultant. In addition to hosting Business Innovators Radio, he is the creator and host of the social media talk show, Radio Free Enterprise, as well as the founder of Frank Felker School of Business, with over 25,000 students enrolled from 169 countries around the world.