Hi everyone, it has been a little while since I’ve recorded an episode but this will be worth the wait. I’m sharing with you an interview that I did with James Healy. I am lucky to call him a friend, but also we work together.

He produces my podcast and every time I talk to him, I’m laughing and learning something new about him. Just prepare to be inspired.

Before I dive into that interview I want to just let you know how much you mean to me. Thank you for listening and thank you for sharing this journey with me. I’m always sending so much love to you and to your loved ones and just sending you so much hope.

And I just want to remind you that I know how painful this journey is, but I do feel like we have been chosen for a reason and this absolute faith and trust that we are exactly where we’re supposed to be right now and just know that. You’re not alone. There is an army of moms out there who are loving on you and supporting you from afar.

James shares some things from his history and it reminded me of something, a story which I also share at the start of this episode.

During our chat, James reveals some fun facts I did not know about him, along with some of his most challenging moments in life, and how he has created a rich, full, and joyful life in sobriety.

He helps us understand some of the fears and struggles those in recovery deal with, and gives us a few ideas on how to cope with them. James also emphasizes that recovery success must truly be desired to be found and that each path is unique for every person.

As always, love and best wishes, Shar

More info for James Hamilton Healy:
Podcast: https://recoveryinnovatorsradio.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/jameshamiltonhealy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jameshhealy
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/jameshhealy
Instagram: @jameshhealy

Find out more about Beyond Hope Radio:
Web – http://beyondhoperadio.com
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James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Shar Jones

Shar Jones, the host of Beyond Hope is a Nationally Certified Interventionist, Recovery Coach, and Mom. As the Mother of an addict, she understands the journey and is passionate about being of service to those who want to live a more meaningful life.