Ep003: Rabbi Mark Borovitz – How to Find a Way of Living That Matches Your Soul
Unfortunately, those who have created the “addiction epidemic” are now trying to cash in on the recovery movement. More drugs, like suboxone, are not the “cure” for addiction. Recovery is about finding your essence, your true self.
The killer of the human spirit? When we make addiction a brain disease and remove all responsibility from recovery. The five toughest words for people to put together into a sentence? “Oops, I made a mistake.” Blame and shame go away when I’m responsible.
When you are trying to pigeonhole something like the opioid crisis, you’re missing the real problem, which is addiction.
Rabbi Marks solution? Listen in and find out.
Officially ordained in 2000 at the University of Judaism with a Master’s in Rabbinic Literature, Rabbi Mark Borovitz combined his knowledge of Torah and street smarts to shape his calling: helping recovering addicts find their way in the world. Spiritual Leader, Author, Senior Rabbi, CEO, ex-con, recovering alcoholic, and overall anomaly, he is able to reach both the addict and the congregant, and de-stigmatize this life-threatening disease.
As the CEO and Senior Rabbi of Beit T’Shuvah, a nonprofit, non-sectarian, Jewish addiction treatment center and synagogue community in Los Angeles, Rabbi Mark’s leadership is unparalleled.
More info: http://www.beittshuvah.org/leadership/mark-borovitz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rabbimarkborovitz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rabbi_Mark
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