Today’s episode is a powerhouse of recovery stories from myself and my guest, and loads of recovery wisdom too. Don’t miss this one!

Dr. Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John M.A (hon.doc) is the award-winning author of 8 books, including Eight Step Recovery, Using The Buddha’s teachings to overcome Addiction, and there are 8 step recovery meetings in several continents.

She is also the author of Detox Your Heart – Meditations for Emotional Trauma.

In 2005 she co-founded the eight weeks course Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery MBAR. This is either a 4 weeks intensive course online or two hours a week for 8 weeks in-person course, for anybody wanting to enhance their recovery. And also there is a train the trainer component for those who would like to be facilitators of this course.

Mason-John works as an inspirational public speaker on the field of Mindfulness Approaches for addiction and is a master trainer in conflict transformation and leadership skills. She is also an accredited Mindfulness Teacher, and Life Coach.

She is delighted to be accredited as a Recovery Coach, as taught by Cali Estes, and hopes to contribute to the great work that the Academy offers.

Links for Dr. Mason-John:
Website: http://valeriemason-john.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valeriemasonjohn

More info – http://unpauseyourlife.com

Sponsored by:
The Addictions Academy – The Nation’s Leading Accredited Addiction Coaching & Intervention Training: https://theaddictionsacademy.com/

Music courtesy of Crowfly – http://crowflyrocks.com/

Unpause Your Life with Dr. Cali Estes

James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Dr. Cali Estes

Dr. Cali Estes is a highly sought after Celebrity Addiction Therapist, Life Coach, Recovery Coach and Wellness Guru.