Damona Hoffman is a certified dating coach & TV host from A+E Networks (FYI TV) series #BlackLove and A Question of Love. She’s also a lifestyle news contributor for CNN Headline News (HLN), love expert for BET.com, writer for The Washington Post, and host of the Dates & Mates with Damona Hoffman Podcast.

Through written, video, and audio content along with group programs, Damona shares my insights as a dating coach of 13 years (certified in 2013) on how to date more efficiently and effectively in today’s world. The tagline of her podcast is “Modern Love, Made Simple” and that is her mission along with showing people how to love as they are without feeling they have to transform into a different person to be loveable.

Damona’s Podcast – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dates-mates-with-damona-hoffman/id606100490?mt=2

Business Website URL – http://DamonaHoffman.com

Facebook URL – https://www.facebook.com/damonahoffman/

Instagram URL – https://www.instagram.com/damonahoffman/

Twitter URL – https://twitter.com/damonahoffman

YouTube URL – https://www.youtube.com/damonahoffman

More info – http://unpauseyourlife.com

Sponsored by:
The Addictions Academy – The Nation’s Leading Accredited Addiction Coaching & Intervention Training: https://theaddictionsacademy.com/

Music courtesy of Crowfly – http://crowflyrocks.com/

Unpause Your Life with Dr. Cali Estes

James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Dr. Cali Estes

Dr. Cali Estes is a highly sought after Celebrity Addiction Therapist, Life Coach, Recovery Coach and Wellness Guru.