Some of the first cookbooks were written by physicians, and originally Rx meant “recipe.”
During this fascinating conversation, Dr. Fenster talks deeply about how to understand the food experience, and how our relationship with food has created “Diseases of Civilization.”
“All disease starts in the gut, Hippocrates figured this out 2,500 years ago, we’re just catching up.”
This interview also reveals that not all inflammation is bad, that we just need to find a balance. How do we do this?
“In general, stay away from a lot of white powders.”
Drs. Mike and Cali also talk in depth about how we have been sold and have bought into a culture of convenience, and the negative impact this can have.
Dr. Fenster lets us in on his 5 Quick Tips …listen in to find out!
Dr. Michael S. Fenster, is a board-certified interventional cardiologist, author, and professional chef. He currently holds faculty cross appointments at The University of Montana College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences as well as The Missoula College Culinary Arts Program of the Department of Business Technology.
In addition to his clinical practice, he hosts a weekly national radio show, Code Delicious, and his Food As Therapy (FAT) InitiativeTM recognizes the importance of the food experience in our lives as well as the impact of the quality of the comestibles we ingest; as only a physician and chef could.
Dr. Mike has taught and explored the relationship between food and health through international workshops, seminars, lectures and cooking demonstrations.
Dr. Fenster has appeared on CBS The Doctors, Fox News, Fox Business News and has had articles featured in The Atlantic, Pacific Standard, Outdoor, Glamour, Shape, Women’s Day, Martha Stewart Living, Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Fitness, and many more. Dr. Fenster also writes a regular column for Psychology Today.
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Dr. Fenster’s Book, Food Shaman: The Art of Quantum Food –
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