Sheila Skolnick’s story is a true rags to riches story. Sheila created and started her own international hotel supply company with no money, no experience, no mentors and no connections. Years later, Sheila sold her business to a six billion dollar company, which is the hotel supply division of Enterprise Rent-A-Car. You want to listen very closely and take notes, because Sheila did this all 100% organically. Meaning, she did it all on her own, and she figured it out as she went along.

You’re going to learn firsthand, how you can create a very successful business, from a woman who has actually been in the trenches. Her keynote speeches and workshops will inspire, teach and motivate. Her business and personal guiding principles will be a vehicle to guide you in both your business and your personal life.

On a more personal level, Sheila overcame challenges that included poverty, and almost nonexistent education, a dysfunctional home, and a very dangerous neighborhood. Sheila taught herself how to read in high school, and she developed a no excuses mindset. Today she works as a business advisor, group trainer, and of course, as a keynote speaker.

Sheila is an engaging speaker whose story of persistence and passion is relevant for all levels of business: entrepreneurs, startup companies, high school students and college students. You will leave her keynote adventures with great knowledge, and a sense of ‘if it’s to be, it’s up to me’. This is Sheila’s number one principle.EndFragment

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Book Sheila:

Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority.She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications:No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and GiversBook Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors,influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.

Tami Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority. She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications: No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and Givers Book Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors, influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.