Kirk M. Samuels is “The Intimacy Incubator”. He is a gifted speaker and an award-winning member of Toastmasters International

Kirk is a featured radio personality on The Real Traci Rock Show and The Corner Café Radio. Kirk is a board member of Step Seven and Advisory Council of BeMen. In 2019, Kirk founded the non-profit Heart Freedom Foundation in a further effort to create a more connected world.

In this eye opening interview Kirk Samuels shares:

  • His method for men to live free from pornography
  • Who pays the greatest price of a divorce
  • Reasons for porn addiction
  • The four men wounds
  • Women’s misconceptions about men’s pornography addiction
  • Why women experience PTSD
  • How many divorces involve this type of addiction

Learn more at:

You can also contact Kirk Samuels at (720) 515-6536

For more info about becoming an interview guest visit: 

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Coach, Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio, contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine. His interview guests share the same values of mindfulness, spirituality and oneness in their businesses and personal lives.