Charles Jeff Buck, widely known as CJ Buck, is a retired USMC GySgt with 20 years of dedicated service. He brings a unique blend of military discipline and creative storytelling to his works. CJ Buck is also a certified coach and speaker, having embraced the teachings of John Maxwell to inspire and empower others.

His newest book, “Hardened Heart“, a Post-Apocalyptic Thriller, shot up to the top of Amazon Best Sellers and was also rated as a Hot New Release. “Hardened Heart” is a gripping tale of survival, redemption, and the enduring human spirit in the face of otherworldly horrors.

In addition to “Hardened Heart,” CJ Buck has authored two other compelling books: “My Own Worst Enemy,” and “What Resonates“.

His academic achievements include a Bachelor of Science in Business (BS) and a Master in Business Administration (MBA), and he is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Business Administration (DBA).

In this interview CJ Buck shares some very interesting revelations about his background and his inspiration to write books aimed at different audiences.

“Hardened Heart” is a masterfully crafted narrative that transcends the boundaries of its genre. It’s a story that will resonate with readers on a deeply emotional level, challenging them to confront their own fears and doubts while celebrating the strength of the human spirit.

To order CJ Buck’s Best Seller book on Amazon:

Contact CJ Buck at:

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Coach, Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio, contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine. His interview guests share the same values of mindfulness, spirituality and oneness in their businesses and personal lives.