Ann Carden is a Business Growth Consultant with 41 years of business experience, 13 years in corporate business management and 28 years building six businesses for herself and selling five of those. She has consulted with business owners in over thirty-eight different types of companies from $0-$5M and educated thousands of professionals through speaking, workshops and seminars as a speaker.

In this jam-packed interview, Ann discusses at length many important business areas including:

  • The big difference between scaling and growing a business
  • How to market effectively
  • Why and when to automate
  • How to stand out from the competition
  • Getting the most bang for your buck in your business
  • The effects of having an effective website
  • Why direct response marketing is key
  • Three areas business owners neglect that can boost revenue
  • The secret sauce in your marketing

Learn more at: Level Coaches, Experts and Entrepreneurs

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Coach, Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio, contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine. His interview guests share the same values of mindfulness, spirituality and oneness in their businesses and personal lives.