Our Body Image: Is it Environmentally Reinforced?
To start this episode, Jenny shares her fascination for the “etiology” (origin) of our body image. That is, when did we first become self-conscious about our bodies? Jenny states that she did over sixty interviews during the research stage of The Body Image Blueprint and the answer she found is fascinating. To learn of this central source, where most of our insecurities first become apparent, tune into the episode.
The Positive Impacts of Jenny’s Work
Jenny shares some of the facets of her clients’ lives that are completely enriched and rejuvenated: from improved self-esteem to VASTLY improved sexual function, all were centered on techniques that were gradually applied and eventually compounded to an increased quality of life. For more on just how positive the impacts of her work, you can read testimonials on her website, as well as listen along to the episode.
Body Image and Sexuality
Plain and simple, one’s body image is inextricably linked to one’s sexuality. And because of that, Jenny knows the symptoms of stress and insecurity, and how they can detract from an overall healthy sexuality. During the interview, she talks about the importance of expansion over restriction. So often, self-consciousness holds us back from being our most expressive self in the bedroom, and as a result, our sex suffers. As Jenny states, we are often far too mired in our stress-response to actually experience pleasure. The bedroom shouldn’t be a stress-inducing place; it should be stress-relieving. For more brilliant insights on the topic, Jenny goes even deeper during the interview.
Lights Off During Sex? Not Anymore!
Jenny relays the tragic fact that many are too ashamed of their bodies to have sex with the lights on. Be it the result of shame or an inability to be comfortable in their own skin, many are afraid. But Jenny has a technique which she uses with some of her clients. It involves a mirror and it has vast potential for getting people more comfortable with their naked bodies. Tune in to hear what it entails.
Not Just Women, but Men as Well
Another important fact that Jenny points out during the interview is that men are affected by negative body images as well. Be it specific measurements of a certain nature or socially-reinforced ideas of muscularity and masculinity, the guy can go through the same sort of insecurities about body image as the woman.
Embracing Pleasure Through Sensuality and Mindfulness
Jenny states that embracing pleasure is absolutely essential for any healthy dynamic in the bedroom. And the way to get there is through sensuality and mindfulness. Regarding sensuality, we need to focus on the sensations that arise in the moment. Once we become attuned to our bodies instead of looking to escape them, we can truly learn to embrace pleasure. There are certain mindfulness techniques that Jenny brings up during the episode that are very helpful in achieving this focus on sensuality. Check it out!
The Three Precursors to Love
The first two precursors to a love of one’s body are trust and respect. The first of these, trust, might be the most important of the precursors. Through it, we can learn to trust the sensations that we feel, without looking for an end goal. Because poor performance or an unsatisfactory ending can derail a positive sexual experience, learning to trust the present-moment sensations and experiences is of tantamount importance. Through mindfulness, sex becomes less about “finishing” and more about the sensual journey along the way. For the last precursor to self-love, listen to the interview!
Mindful Eating
Jenny also talks about how the same sort of principles used for mindfulness during sex can be used for eating. Looking to change her clients’ perceptions about eating as a whole, the activity becomes a much more profound experience when approached through mindfulness. To learn some of the benefits, as well as how to go about eating mindfully, listen to the episode.
About Jenny Berk
Jenny Berk has spent considerable time helping her clients love their bodies. She bestows upon clients the tools to foster a positive self-image, an acceptance of self, and increased levels of self-esteem. Her main objective is to reorient the thinking of the people she works closely with, helping them heal from a body-image perspective and tune into intrinsic wisdom to learn how to nourish ourselves naturally and joyfully.
She has earned a Master of Science in Education and Psychological Services from the University of Pennsylvania. In addition, she has more than 14 years of experience as a professional health coach.
Also, Jenny has authored the best-selling book, The Body Image Blueprint: Your Go-To Guide for Radical Self-Reverence. And lastly, she is the pioneer of The Beyond Weight Loss™ Method which has changed the lives of many people, herself included.
She resides in Boston with her husband, 3 spirited daughters and 2 kittens. When she’s not coaching, she loves to travel, hike, cook and entertain and spend time with good friends and family and languish over a delicious meal and a deep talk.
To Contact or Learn More About Jenny Berk
Jenny’s email: suzanna@thedatemaven.com & her website: : www.jennyedencoaching.com
Link for her book: The Body Blueprint
Instagram – www.instagram.com/coachjennyeden
Pinterest – www.pinterest.com/coachjennyeden
FB group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1738140356456267/
Linked In – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennyedenberk/
Twitter – www.twitter.com/coachjennyeden
FB business page – https://www.facebook.com/jennyedencoaching/
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Web – https://www.bettersexpodcast.com/
Sex Health Quiz – http://sexhealthquiz.com/
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