I’m revisiting a topic that we talked about in a previous episode, which is menopause This time it’s not so much from the medical standpoint or a provider’s standpoint. It’s more about the invisibility that tends to happen in that time of life: the lack of information, the lack of support, the lack of understanding and how isolated and alone women can feel as they’re getting into their midlife.
Women can almost feel as though they’ve fallen through the cracks at this point.
I wanted to do this episode more on the social and support aspects of menopause and what it’s like to try to go through that time feeling empowered and vibrant and alive and confident instead of what so frequently happens, which is almost like a setback. I can’t remember if I read this somewhere, somebody called it the second adolescence, but it’s a little bit reminiscent of that.
Who am I? How do I fit in? Where’s my place? Do I feel empowered or not? Do I just want to hide? So much of what somebody can go through at 12, 13, 14 can almost resurface in middle age.
I’ve connected with Jill Angelo, and she is the founder and CEO of Genneve, which is a healthcare management solution for women in Midlife. The mission of Genneve is to empower women to take charge of their health and feel their best, confident, and most sexy selves and that just appealed to me.
In addition to the medical episode we did about menopause and what people can expect, this is more, “where can people go to make this an empowered transition and maybe the best years of their life instead of feeling like they’d been set back?”
Genneve is about women helping women and professionals helping women, all working together to find menopause solutions.
Jill is tech exec turned women’s health care advocate, and she’s bringing her passion for women’s development and health together with her technology experience to build this new organization, Genneve.
She’s a driving force for bringing effective health solutions, information, and resources to women in the most vibrant years of their life. So, I hope you enjoy my conversation with Jill Angelo.
Website – https://genneve.com/
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jillangelo/
Twitter – @mygenneve
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/mygenneve
Email – jill@genneve.com
More info:
Web – https://www.bettersexpodcast.com/
Sex Health Quiz – http://sexhealthquiz.com/
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