Dan Handford is our guest this week. He is a managing partner with PassiveInvesting.com. He has led his apartment syndication company to acquire 2,000+ units with a portfolio valued over $220mil in just under 24 months. Like I said a systems expert.

He is also a passive apartment investor himself in 4,590+ units in 19 different syndication investments located across the Southeast USA and Texas.

Dan is also the founder of the Multifamily Investor Nation (#MFIN) where he provides free multifamily education to a nationwide group of over 25,000 members. The #MFIN has over 53 meetup groups across the USA and Canada that meets on the first Monday of every month.

He also has one of the most popular apartment investing podcasts on iTunes called “Multifamily Investor Nation.” There is no fluff on this multifamily podcast and only getting down to the nuts and bolts of deal sources, financing, structuring, investor relations, closing, due diligence, etc. Go to www.MFINPodcast.com to subscribe.


Get your copy – Syndication Made Easy  – https://amzn.to/2kwjHDN

To get more info – Text: 47-47-47
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Alicia Williams-Dibrell

Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author and a host of Business Innovators Radio.

Vinney (Smile) Chopra

Vinney Chopra (Mr. Smiles) came to the US from India with $7 in his pocket. As a MultiFamily Syndication expert, he has acquired and manages a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $300 million. Vinney has been a professional Fundraising Consultant and Motivational Speaker for