Hosted By - Stewart Andrew Alexander

Sheena Walker is a globally renowned performance consultant who takes Olympic winning strategies and helps you to apply them to your career, business and your life.

A Graduate of the University of Stirling specialising in Business HR, Education and Media.

She’s a highly respected “Business-Development Professional, International Speech Coach, and Public Speaker, who speaks on Performance Management & Performance Coaching, Public Speaking Training, Leadership HR and personal success related topics.

Sheena is passionate about helping new and established firms break their performance boundaries by using her seasoned performance-development techniques, which will help accelerate one’s success.

Her passion, focus, and enthusiasm for Super Performance Solutions will address your business challenges and champion individual and team performance.

She has a rare and unique background as an athlete and as a performance coach in sport, and continues to be mentored by the world’s leading figures and pioneers in the realm of Business and Public Speaking.

To learn more, visit, or send email to

Stewart Andrew Alexander

Stewart Andrew Alexander, the Find, Trust & Choose Guy is a Best Selling Author, host of Impact Makers Radio, and contributing writer for Small Business Trendsetters covering subject-matter experts (SME) in Legal, Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development.