Hosted By - Neil Howe & Craig Williams

Rowan Swartz is a maverick entrepreneur who has accomplished huge success, not once, not twice, but multiple times. Over and over again he has created industries that did not previously exist in South Africa. He’s a serial entrepreneur who is constantly looking for disruptive ideas to take to market. He has successfully started and run many businesses and mentors and invests in other ventures and Mavericks to help start-ups becoming a success. He is a man passionate about giving back to the community.

Neil Howe & Craig Williams

Neil Howe is a 3-time #1 Best Selling Author, Online Media Strategist, avid reader and recovering SEO expert. Neil HostsExpert Profiles Atlanta, The Trust Factor Radio and Business Authority Radio interviewing leaders, professionals, and influencers locally and globally. Craig Williams was featured on NBC's "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump and is a successful serial entrepreneur/consultant.