[zoomsounds_player source=" https://media.blubrry.com/business_innovators_radio/content.blubrry.com/business_innovators_radio/Regina_Huber.mp3" type="audio" thumb="https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/wp-content/uploads/Regina-Huber-400x400-150x150.jpg" />" config="bir-show" songname="Syndication Made Easy with Vinney (Smile) Chopra" artistname="Regina Huber, Founder & CEO of Transform Your Performance"]

Regina Huber, Founder & CEO of Transform Your Performance www.transformyourperformance.com

Drawing from her extensive corporate experience in six countries, Regina Huber is a Transformational Leadership Coach for Business Women, Diversity & Co-Creation Advocate, Speaker with a Passion for Dance, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine – Speak Powerfully in Any Situation, reviewed on The Huffington Post.

Regina is a Certified Leadership Ambassador by Take The Lead Women and a C-IQ® Enhanced Skills Coach (Conversational Intelligence® for team leaders to navigate successfully through conversation). She serves as Co-Chair of the NYC Financial Women’s Association’s (FWA) Distinguished Speakers Committee. She is a leading member of Alysia Silberg’s Global Women Game Changers, and an Executive Global Mentor at UAMDC (UAE-Africa Mentoring Development Consortium). Regina is also a Premier member of Women Speakers Association (WSA). In 2017, she supported several initiatives and conferences in Ghana (SOS Jobs4Women Ghana; Africa Internship Academy) and South Africa (WOVSA – Women of Value South Africa).

Regina offers private coaching programs, group workshops, and interactive talks and presentations for events

Ed Bracey


Alicia Williams-Dibrell

Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author and a host of Business Innovators Radio.

Vinney (Smile) Chopra

Vinney Chopra (Mr. Smiles) came to the US from India with $7 in his pocket. As a MultiFamily Syndication expert, he has acquired and manages a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $300 million. Vinney has been a professional Fundraising Consultant and Motivational Speaker for