Mike is “a business designer who can’t draw.” He’s a customer experience pioneer with several start-ups and consulting practices under his belt, plus a client roster of 400+ companies in 25 countries who claim $1.5B+ in additional value from their work with him. Currently, Mike is the founder and managing principal at Storyminers in Atlanta, GA. He and his team help retail and service firm leadership teams improve their customer experiences with a unique combination of experience, service, and business design. Mike’s first speaking assignments were at tradeshows as co-founder of GALILEO and as eVisionary of IBM’s Global Services.
His first paid speaking assignment introduced a Hewlett Packard sales team to the then-new multimedia technologies. In this extremely insightful interview, Mike goes deep, explaining how design thinking unifies experiences, service delivery, and the business systems that support them.
Mike is a well-known customer experience influencer who likes to share experiences and capture new ideas globally. His consulting and speaking clients have recently taken him to Russia, Brazil, Columbia, Denmark, Austria, Bulgaria, and Romania.
Mike is an asset for his audiences who want to improve the experiences they give their customers and employees and who like working with someone who can simplify complicated concepts.
Contact Mike at +1 770.425.9830 or mike@MikeWittenstein.com
Andy Curry
Recent episodes from Andy Curry (see all)
- Tom Dowd – Consultant and Speaker - March 9, 2016
- Ana Weber – Leadership Coach and Author - March 4, 2016
- Walter Bond – Peak Performance Expert - January 11, 2016