[zoomsounds_player source=" https://media.blubrry.com/business_innovators_radio/content.blubrry.com/business_innovators_radio/Meryl_Hunte.mp3" type="audio" thumb="https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/wp-content/uploads/Meryl-Hunte-400-150x150.jpg" />" config="bir-show" songname="Syndication Made Easy with Vinney (Smile) Chopra" artistname="Meryl Hunte – Coach and Advisor from Connecting Kitchen"]

Today’s guest is Meryl Hunte, a coach and advisor who was challenged in her own household with communicating with her son.  Meryl speaks of the challenges and hurdles she had to address and how she found her answers in her kitchen, which she renamed the Connecting Kitchen!

Listen how she faced and overcame this seemingly insurmountable challenge and how she recommends we all reconnect with those disconnected from our lives.

Meryl is a nutritionist and life coach, combining all her skills to help others achieve greater success.  Her lesson is using the proper venue to solve the challenging problem.

https://www.facebook.com/connectingkitchen/< https://www.instagram.com/connectingkitchen/

Contact Ed Bracey at: www.synergyofempoweredwomen.com

Alicia Williams-Dibrell

Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author and a host of Business Innovators Radio.

Vinney (Smile) Chopra

Vinney Chopra (Mr. Smiles) came to the US from India with $7 in his pocket. As a MultiFamily Syndication expert, he has acquired and manages a very successful real estate investment portfolio worth over $300 million. Vinney has been a professional Fundraising Consultant and Motivational Speaker for