John Reza Parsiani has over 15 years of high-end luxury real estate experience in the Florida market. John is now the Vice President of Business Development Online at Cervera Real Estate -the largest developer representative in the State of Florida with over 5-Billion dollars in exclusive listings- and also the Senior Sales Executive at Aria On The Bay, one of Miami’s most anticipated luxury new developments.  John is going to give us some insight on how Miami is growing, what being part of a project like Aria On the Bay is like and why one should consider investing in South Florida.

John  Reza  Parsiani
Vice President of Business Development, Online
Senior Sales Executive | Aria On The Bay
Lic. Real Estate Broker | FAR & NAR
Board of Directors | AREAA Miami
Member | Master Brokers Forum

PH: +1.305.788.7550
Who’s Who Miami: John Parsiani
About: John’s Career Profile
Cervera Real Estate, ets 1969

Alicia Williams-Dibrell

Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author and a host of Business Innovators Radio.