Marta Spirk is a wife, mom to 5-year-old triplets, a writer, podcaster and empowerment coach, helping women to move past perfectionism, impostor syndrome and comparison and into VISIBILITY, CREDIBILITY & PROFIT.

Her 5-step process is called ENGAGE TO SERVE™, she’s a podcast host at The Empowered Woman (over 70K downloads) and creator of The Empowered Woman School membership and workshops.

In this interview, Marta shares:

  • How to really increase self-confidence
  • What’s the lack of self-awareness”
  • Why we need to seek our truth
  • Why re-visiting our past is important
  • A more empowering way of looking at failure

Learn more at: 

Sign up for Marta’s Masterclass – Get Seen, Gain Trust And Get Paid

For more info about becoming an interview guest on JC Soto’s podcast please visit:

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Coach, Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio, contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine. His interview guests share the same values of mindfulness, spirituality and oneness in their businesses and personal lives.