A special guest co-founder of Jake and Gino. Gino Barbaro a true entrepreneur, investor, business owner, not including the best selling author of 2 books and author of the new book The Honey Bee. Vinney and I get into detail with Gino on the why and how he became a multi-family expert with a portfolio of over 1400 units. This is an exciting interview, learning how Gino’s mind works and how he got into the multi-family industry. Gino goes into detail on the things he would have changed and the things that motivated him to succeed in the syndication business. The story of how the Jake and Gino multi-family business was built and their business philosophies is a great example of entrepreneurship success. Gino’s value-based decision making is the culture of the Jake and Gino team. Having the privilege to interview Gino and listening to these two experts in multifamily business going back and forth was a learning experience for me. A must listen to for anyone in the multi-family business
- Have skin in the game!
- Transparency to your investors.
- Claim your responsibilities.
- You can’t control everything!
- Gino and Vinney agree that culture is key.
- Priniclibiles when dealing with both investors and investors.
- Gino explains education and massive action is the way to go.
- Stay in your lane because it is a marathon.
- Gino’s key to success for the newbies.
- Systems are key.
Gino’s books
Wheelbarrow Profits – https://amzn.to/2CIr0Od
The Honey Bee – https://amzn.to/2O6YQSo
Family, Food and the Friars – https://amzn.to/372z7mL
Gino’s contact
Website: https://jakeandgino.com
Mentorship With Jake & Gino: https://jakeandgino.com/apply/
Register to Invest alongside us: https://invest.randpartnersllc.com/ac
Jake & Gino Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jakeandgino/
Jake & Gino Twitter: https://twitter.com/JakeandGino
Jake & Gino Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jake…
Jake & Gino Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakeandgino/
Vinney’s contact
Get your copy – Syndication Made Easy – https://amzn.to/2kwjHDN
To get more info – Text: LEARN to 47-47-47
Learn – https://vinneychopra.com/
Invest – https://moneilinvest.com/
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Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/vinneychopra/?hl=en
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/i n/vinney-smile-chopra-7b7b9619/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/smilingvinney
Youtube– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_SGeOpnIHvXWqZE9dMUdlw/featured
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