You know when people say it isn’t Rocket Science … sometimes IT IS. Rocket Science is seeing possibilities that others don’t see. My name is Dawn C. Meyer and I actually was a NASA Rocket Scientist. I have taken my 28 years of mastering rocket science and seeing the things that most people don’t see and I now serve people by assisting them to be aware of what is preventing them from really having joy, prosperity and living the life they’d love to live …. I do that through workshops, speaking and private coaching. I want everyone to know the science and magic of what is possible.
Launch Into Your Brilliance
• Are you ready to uncover and reveal to yourself and others your talents and gifts that make you who are truly are?
• Stop hiding from yourself, stop believing that the things you want are impossible so you don’t even try.
• Get clear about what you truly want
• Stop judging yourself – you can do it!
• Eliminate Planning Paralysis and start doing rather than having to prove to yourself and others that you are worth it.

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Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority.She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications:No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and GiversBook Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors,influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.

Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara “Tami” Patzer, M.A., is authentic, transparent, and real, and audiences love her energy. She is a #1 best-selling author, Pulitzer-prize nominated journalist, award-winning podcast and radio show and creator of the trademarked Beyond the Best Seller™ marketing system, and the Daily Success™.