Benefits of a good Fish Oil:

  • Can Be Good For Heart Health
  • May Help Treat Certain Mental Disorders
  • Can Help Reduce Weight and Waist Circumference
  • Supports Eye Health and May Help Protect Vision in Old Age
  • Reduces Inflammation and Symptoms of Inflammatory Disease
  • Can help with Skin disorders like psoriasis and dermatitis
  • Very Important During Pregnancy and Early Life
  • Can Help Reduce Liver Fat
  • Helps Lower Triglycerides
  • Improves Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
  • Improves Attention and Hyperactivity in Children
  • May Help Prevent Symptoms of Mental Decline
  • Can Help Improve Asthma Symptoms and Risk of Allergies
  • Helps With Bone Health

Product In Today’s Show:

Alpha Base Premier Packs – provide a targeted combination of three high-concentration nutritional formulas in convenient, easy-to-take packets. Each pack includes Alpha Base Capsules without Iron, a hypo-allergenic, comprehensive, high-quality blend of bioavailable vitamins and minerals. Orthomega 820 is also included, and contains 430 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 390 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids per soft gel.

Finally, each pack includes Resvoxitrol, a unique combination of phytonutrients designed to enhance antioxidant potential in the body.

Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is theAuthority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.

Lois Sonstegard, PhD

Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned the passion successful leaders have to leave a meaningful legacy. Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to help them build a meaningful legacy.