Do your children suffer from ADHD/ADD? Why is this so rampant?

Symptoms of ADHD:

  • Frequent Fidgeting or squirming
  • Restlessness
  • Frequent Daydreaming
  • Difficulty playing quietly
  • Excessive talking and interrupting others

Five Dietary Factors to Address if your Child has ADHD:

  • Too Much Sugar
  • Gluten Sensitivity
  • Too Few Beneficial Bacteria
  • Animal Sourced Omega-3 Deficiency
  • Food Additives and GMO Ingredients

ADD/ADHD Adult and Child Support:

Skin, Hair and Wrinkle Support:

Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is theAuthority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.

Lois Sonstegard, PhD

Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned the passion successful leaders have to leave a meaningful legacy. Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to help them build a meaningful legacy.