Today we have with us Janet Black, author of Fibromyalgia for Families and Friends.

Fibromylagia is a fairly recently recognized disease that isn’t well understood by the medical community and can be difficult to diagnose. One of the big problems that people with fibromyalgia face is explaining it to others and having those people understand them. The lack of understanding often results in emotional and verbal abuse or loss of the relationship. People with fibromyalgia are accused of being lazy, of faking their illness and of not having the pain and other symptoms that they suffer. Janet’s book concisely and clearly explains the disease so that people who suffer from it can more easily make others understand it.

About Janet Black

Janet Black has been an RN for over 30 years and a family nurse practitioner for almost 15 years. She has worked in family practice, community health, health education, psychiatric nursing, chemical dependency, program development and implementation, primary care and wellness. She has always been more interested in preventing illness than treating it and developed an interest in alternative medicine. Since retiring, she has been using her broad range of experience to write and do volunteer work.

For more information, check out Janet’s book, Fibromyalgia for Families and Friends, on Amazon.

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing.She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.