Today we have with us Jan Moore, Intuitive Life and Business Success Coach.


About Jan Moore

Jan Moore helps enlightened change makers, entrepreneurs, coaches and healers create the Million Dollar Mindset, Message and Marketing that builds a thriving business that they love. She’s a certified professional life and executive coach/mentor and creator of the “Empower Your Life: Achieve Your Dreams” program and author of Dream Achievers Success Kit and Empowered Manifestation.

Jan specializes in personal empowerment and conscious marketing, providing practical business & marketing strategies combined with intuitive guidance and sprinkled with spiritual/metaphysical principles.

For Further Information

Visit Jan’s website,  and pick up a free copy of her Dream Achievers Success Kit.

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing.She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.