Having a CLEAR CAREER is personal for James. As you’re reading his story, see if this sounds like anyone that you know right now.

Several years ago James was so stressed out from his job that he had a headache every single day from clenching his jaw and grinding his teeth. In fact, the stress of his job kept him up at all hours of the night and began to negatively impact his personal relationships like his new marriage. He was tired, he was miserable, and he began to think that he was hopeless.

James got his personal wakeup call when he ended up in the ER thinking he was having a stroke or a heart attack, because he was taking every conflict at work to heart and because he thought that every problem at work was all his fault.

That’s what it took for him to change – to strike out in a new direction – a new career where he can help people who are miserable at work, find new life and joy. By the way, James wasn’t crazy, when he quit his job, they hired three people to replace him.

In his quest to help hundreds of clients just like you, James earned a Master of Arts in Management & Leadership with a 4.0 and multiple professional coaching and career certifications including the Certified Career Management Coach from Susan Whitcomb’s The Academies and the Professional Coach Certification from the International Coach Federation.

For more information: http://www.ClearCareer.us

TC Bradley

TC Bradley is an International Best Selling Author, and Chairman of his own Media and Publishing company, Instant Celebrity Staus Œ¬ TC is a business and leadership contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, and other publications.