Many construction and manufacturing companies struggle for years without reliable data on which jobs are profitable and which are money pits. When they learn how to set up an internal job-cost and reporting system, everything changes. That’s where Diane Gilson and Info Plus Accounting comes to the rescue. She helps company owners begin to see accurate, reliable job-cost and management reports they can use to make dramatic changes to their profitability.

In today’s interview, you’ll discover some misconceptions and pitfalls to business profitability, as well as how Olin Mills Portrait Studios gave Diane her introduction to her love of numbers and accounting.

About Diane Gilson

Diane Gilson created Info Plus Accounting in 1994 to help business owners establish job-cost accounting systems so they can access critical day-to-day operations data using QuickBooks® as their primary management accounting tool.

Diane’s passion is designing, customizing, and upgrading accounting systems and financial controls for small to mid-sized construction and manufacturing companies.

Her online workshops offer job-cost and management accounting training using QuickBooks® and Intuit Enterprise Solutions, as well as in-house products, to teach, trouble-shoot, and coach clients and other accounting professionals throughout the United States.

As a published author, speaker, and professional QuickBooks® trainer with over 30 years of accounting experience, she is viewed as a leader in her fields of expertise.

Grab Diane’s two free gifts for listeners. The first is an ebook, A Tale of 4 Companies: A Job Cost & Gross-Profit Percentage Drama Tale of Companies, available at https://www.buildyournumbers.com/podcast/.  The second is an ebook, Choosing an Accountant 13 Critical Questions to Ask, available at https://www.buildyournumbers.com/13questions/

Visit her website at https://www.buildyournumbers.com/. Find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/infoplusaccounting/ and LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/infoplusaccounting/

Donna Gunter

Donna Gunter is an international best-selling author, host of Main Street Mavericks radio, founder of a boutique digital marketing firm, Fresh Ideas Marketing, and publisher of lead generation books for entrepreneurs at BizSmart Publishing.She helps small business owners rejuvenate their marketing with innovative ideas and strategies positioning them for massive growth.