Welcome to Episode 87 of Building My Legacy.
In this podcast lifestyle coach James Hopkins talks about what it takes to get an entrepreneurial business off the ground. An expat himself, James works primarily with other expats, turning them into entrepreneurs. His advice is valuable for all of us – whether you’re thinking about starting your own business, struggling with how to turn a hobby into a real business or looking for a mentor who can help with your career and building your legacy.
James shares his journey with us – becoming an expat at a relatively young age and, then, realizing he needed a more stable income and life when he discovered he was about to become a father. His decision to focus on and build his coaching and consulting business, The Lifestyle Marketeer, led him to a marketing strategy that revolves around paid digital advertising. And he’s seen success, growing his business to multiple seven figures. Today James helps clients use paid advertising to promote and grow their businesses in a cost-effective way. He also provides training and mentorship for expats who want to start their own digital marketing agencies.
So if you want to know:
- How expats can become successful entrepreneurs
- The three keys to getting a new business off the ground
- The value of a mentor and how to choose the right one for you
- Why to stop “chasing the numbers” and find real value in a work-life balance
About James Hopkins
The CEO of The Lifestyle Marketeer, James Hopkins left the UK at the age of 20 and moved to Thailand. After working at a call center and other jobs, he discovered the world of internet and social media marketing and that he could achieve success as a coach and consultant.
Fatherhood motivated James to become what he is today: a multiple seven-figure business owner, a person of influence and a life-changer for the many expats who have taken his training. He’s helped these expats who weren’t satisfied with their current job – teaching English, for example – and wanted the income and freedom to live a better lifestyle. James has helped hundreds of expats become entrepreneurs, running successful digital marketing agencies. More information about James, his team and his coaching and mentorship program is available at https://jameshopkinscoachingltd.com
About Lois Sonstegard, PhD
Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned that successful leaders have a passion to leave a meaningful legacy. Leaders often ask: When does one begin to think about legacy? Is there a “best” approach? Is there a process or steps one should follow?
Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to helping them build a meaningful legacy. Learn more about how Lois can help your organization with Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching:
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Mike Saunders, MBA
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