Lisa A. Clayton, MS, Author, Intuitive Coach and Master Facilitator. Founder and President of Source Potential, a human development company, Lisa offers more than 35 years of experience in professional training, coaching and consulting. Lisa created a unique learning method for developing individual potential and application of learning concepts which was used worldwide
by clients such as American Express and HSBC in facilitator certifications.
Lisa conducts intuitive readings as an ordained Angel minister and specializes in connecting individuals with their spiritual resources. From her passion for heart-focused and intuitive living, Lisa became a HeartMath® Certified Trainer and Licensed Coach. She focuses upon coaching management, executive levels and staff group trainings in organizations and corporations plus conducts private individual, group and family sessions.
Lisa finds highest value in evolving both herself and her business by establishing an Inner Leader Movement where she serves as master heart practitioner and spiritual guide. Clients experience successful outcomes by activating and expanding heart intelligence and intuition resulting in greater resiliency, creativity and fun for navigating life by understanding their true essence and inner leader.
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Mike Saunders, MBA
Recent episodes from Mike Saunders, MBA (see all)
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