In This Episode of The Couple-preneurs Show with Adam Rudman, we discuss:
- Affordable Housing
- Under manage apartments and the impact on the community
- Affordable housing in shaping individuals’ future
About Apartments Near Me:
Apartments Near Me is a leader in the rental apartment industry with a focus on B class properties and second chance opportunities. They are well known not only for their abilities to renovate once blighted and unmanaged properties, but also for being able to help residents reinvent their rental history and credit score. They work with a variety of circumstances such as evictions, credit and even some negative background instances. They have proven results with the Winbranch Complex, Thompson Court and Cottonwood Apartments as prime examples of what innovation and hard work can accomplish. Apartments Near Me was able to stabilize the occupancy of Winbranch Complex from 30% to fully occupied. In addition to that Apartments Near Me was able to remain operational in 2020 during the Covid 19 pandemic despite the large hit to the multi-family real estate industry.
With over 1200 families depending on them for security, comfort, and affordable housing they make it their responsibility to provide top of the line service to each one of them. Depending on the location tenants as well as landlords can feel secure knowing they have 24/7 on site security as well as numerous other amenities. Apartments Near Me strives to provide and manage state of the art apartments for rent. In addition, their second chance program applies to prospective employees as well. They find pride in the ability to mitigate the risk involving second chance apartments and class B properties.
About the Couple-preneurs Show:
- The Couple-preneurs Show, affectionately known as the providers of The Secret Sauce of Power Couples, is focused on helping couples in business develop structure and strategies that nurture the balance between business and home.
Being in business with your significant other includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not all couples in business thrive from working together. Working closely together is a dream that grows from love and enthusiasm.
Capture unique and informative ways to create, build, or advance your entrepreneurial journey via listening to other successful entrepreneurs’ stories of triumph, trials, and lessons learned.
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Mike Saunders, MBA
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