Welcome to Episode 175 of Building My Legacy.
In this podcast we talk with Jim Kukral, retired web entrepreneur, speaker and author. Jim’s 25-year career includes owning businesses, marketing, and writing and speaking about entrepreneurship. But, after a cancer diagnosis and the pandemic, Jim threw it all away to start something completely different: Life Apocalypse. The goal of his new brand is to help people like him who are thinking about legacy, death, lifestyle and life purpose. He uses the word apocalypse in terms of a revelation — an important transformational moment in your life that, although it may create traumatic stress, can be turned into a growth opportunity. For those of you who are asking very important questions about where you want to take your life, Jim’s message will be especially valuable.
So if you want to know:
- Why you shouldn’t think of your life as a straight line
- What it takes for most people to experience a mindset shift
- What stops you from building the lifestyle you want
- Why you have to start believing in the possibilities
- How the pandemic has affected what we pay attention to
- Different ways to define your legacy
About Jim Kukral
Faced with the pandemic and a cancer diagnosis, Jim Kukral left a successful Internet marketing career to start a passion project called “Life Apocalypse.” His goal is to help people who, often as the result of the pandemic, have decided they want to live and think differently. With the Life Apocalypse brand, Jim is helping people figure out how to live a life of significance, impact and purpose. You can learn more about Jim at his website — lifeapoc.com — where you can take a free, text-based, four-day challenge to begin to experience the four components of a Life Apocalypse: mindset, lifestyle, impact and purpose.
About Lois Sonstegard, PhD
Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned that successful leaders have a passion to leave a meaningful legacy. Leaders often ask: When does one begin to think about legacy? Is there a “best” approach? Is there a process or steps one should follow?
Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to helping them build a meaningful legacy. Learn more about how Lois can help your organization with Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching:
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Mike Saunders, MBA
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