Welcome to Episode 12 of Building My Legacy.
In this episode, Bill Crane, a Chicago-based real estate broker, shares his dream: Developing 1000 leaders into a “Billion Dollar Engine” of millionaires who roll up their sleeves and address societal problems. Leaders are leaders because they know how to solve problems. Bill thinks it is easy to give money to organizations and causes. Legacy building, he believes, requires going to the next step — a process that goes beyond giving money away. He feels that, to leave a mark, a leader needs to work alongside others to develop a systematic process that addresses and solves problems. In this podcast, Bill Crane shares how he approaches and teaches legacy building.
So, if you want to know:
- Why do leaders want to build and leave a legacy?
- How does Bill leverage his real estate business to build his legacy?
- What process does Bill use?
- How does Bill measure his success?
…Bill provides incredible insight.
In this Podcast we will discuss:
- Bill Crane’s dream to create 1000 millionaires who work together to solve the problems in our society.
- The process Bill uses.
- The challenges Bill has faced as he has developed himself as a leader and as he builds his legacy.
- The one thing for which Bill is grateful that has shaped his life.
- There is a life beyond your current work—know how to identify it and live it.
About Bill Crane
Over the past 27 years, Bill Crane has built a large following and impacted the lives of more than one million people through his books, lead generation and sales conversion systems and the Real Estate Insider Movement, which he founded to change the way people buy, sell and leverage real estate.
A born marketer, Bill’s sales career started when he was just five years old, selling pine cones, candy bars and newspapers door-to-door. As a teenager, he watched infomercials instead of cartoons. He learned valuable lessons about competition, hard work and discipline as a wrestler. In the Navy Junior ROTC, the Seabees taught him “big picture thinking” while the Seals taught him the “art of winning.” Within a year after graduating from high school, he started his first company and was on his way to making his first million dollars.
The Real Estate Insider Movement grew out of Bill’s Real Estate Insider Newspaper, which published more than 100 million ads and generated millions of leads for the best realtors in the world. At one point, the Real Estate Insider Newspaper was the fastest-growing, non-venture capital backed, privately owned real estate-based newspaper marketing company in the world. Through his training, coaching and consulting, Bill empowers people to become “Real Estate Insiders” with the business tools and skills that make them more money in less time and create a culture of success without limitations or barriers.
Bill sees Real Estate Insiders as a new breed of entrepreneur — smarter, faster and passionate. They create wealth, protect client equity and put ethics before commissions. They define their own destiny, create their own luck and build empires for themselves and their clients. They’re motivated, because in Bill’s words, they know they are “only one deal away.”
Bill also gives back to society, supporting non-profit organizations like Operation Underground Railroad whose goal is to end child slavery around the world. This non-profit has gathered a “jump team” of former CIA, Navy Seals and Special Ops personnel to lead coordinated efforts to identify child traffickers, surgically extract victims and prosecute the criminals.
About Lois Sonstegard, PhD
Working with business leaders for more than 30 years, Lois has learned the passion successful leaders have to leave a meaningful legacy. Leaders often ask: When does one begin to think about legacy? Is there a “best” approach? Is there a process or steps one should follow?
Lois is dedicated not only to developing leaders but to help them build a meaningful legacy.
Learn More about how Lois can help your organization with Leadership Consulting and Executive Coaching: https://build2morrow.com/
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Mike Saunders, MBA
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