Hosted By - Conston Taylor

As a speaker and consultant, Thomas Dowd helps professionals in the areas of time management, public speaking, networking, resume writing, interviewing, and other developmental topics.

Thomas is an active member in Toastmasters International. Thomas joined in 2008 thinking it was just a way to boost his résumé. It became a wonderful downhill spiral of failure. Whether it was a speech contest or a publisher’s rejection, Toastmasters pushed him beyond his comfort zone to find self-awareness, belief that he could make a difference and the motivation to take smarter steps toward success both personally and professionally. What Tom found was a boost in confidence that changed the path of his life and career. Thomas’s confidence led to a significant amount of success speaking, including being the Toastmasters International District 45 (100+ clubs in ME, NH, VT, and the Canadian Provinces of PEI, NB, and Nova Scotia) Toastmaster of the Year, D45 District Governor of the Year, and the D45 impromptu and speech evaluation contest champion. Tom is also a member of the National Speakers Association.

In this exciting and highly engaging interview, Thomas shares how he applies his company mantra to help others succeed: “Transform into who you really want to be professionally.” He also teaches individuals how to thrive and not just survive in the workplace.

Thomas’s big opportunity came in the form of a setback. Thomas received the call nobody wanted: “We’re downsizing.” After unexpectedly losing his full-time job, Tom landed in a better place in just 59 days using methods from his coaching and training. He is now a VP at one of the larger financial institutions in North America. In 2011, he started his own business “Thomas Dowd Professional Development & Coaching, LLC” where he continues to use the lessons learned on his climb up the corporate ladder to help people creatively find ways to differentiate themselves in the workplace and to find their own individual paths toward success.

Thomas is an international speaker and consultant who is the author of following books:

  1. Displacement Day:  When My Job was looking for a Job.  A Guide to Finding Work
  2. Time Management Manifesto: Expert Strategies to Create an Effective Work/Life Balance
  3. From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide
  4. The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World
  5. The Unofficial Guide to Fatherhood

To learn more:

Contact Thomas at or visit their website at


Conston Taylor

Conston Taylor is a specialized marketing expert and host of Business Innovators Radio.

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