As the Founder of KML Consultants, Kenneth Lang shares his LinkedIn expertise at networking events, on social media, and as the host of an online weekly LinkedIn Lunch ‘n Learn where attendees discuss LinkedIn best practices with weekly speakers. 

Kenneth lends his expertise to people of all ages – as a volunteer career coach for the Rutgers New Start Career Network – providing the older (ages 45+) long-term unemployed in New Jersey with access to free, personalized career services, and to college students through William Paterson University’s Pesce Institute. 


LinkedIn | KML Consultants

Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is theAuthority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.